General Bibliography – Volume IV – Dictionary of Canadian Biography (2024)

AAQ Archives de l’archidiocèse de Québec

ACAM Archives de la chancellerie de l’archevêché de Montréal

ACND Archives de la Congrégation de Notre-Dame

AD Archives départementales

AHGQ Archives de l’Hôpital Général de Québec

AMA Archives du ministère des Armées

AMHDQ Archives du monastère de l’Hôtel Dieu de Québec

AN Archives nationales

ANQ Archives nationales du Québec

ANQ-M Archives nationales du Québec, dépôt de Montréal

ANQ-MBF Archives nationales du Québec, dépôt de la Mauricie et des Bois-Francs

ANQ-Q Archives nationales du Québec, dépôt de Québec

ASGM Archives des sœurs Grises, Montréal

ASJCF Archives de la Compagnie de Jésus, province du Canada français

ASN Archives du séminaire de Nicolet

ASQ Archives du séminaire de Québec

ASSM Archives du séminaire de Saint Sulpice

AUM Archives de l’université de Montréal

AUQ Archives du monastère des ursulines, Québec

BL British Library

BN Bibliothèque nationale

BRH Le Bulletin des recherches historiques

CCHA Canadian Catholic Historical Association

CÉA Centre d’études acadiennes

CHA Canadian Historical Association

CHR Canadian Historical Review

DAB Dictionary of American biography

DBF Dictionnaire de biographie française

DCB Dictionary of Canadian biography

DNB Dictionary of national biography

DOLQ Dictionnaire des œuvres littéraires du Québec

DPL Detroit Public Library

HBC Hudson’s Bay Company

HBRS Hudson’s Bay Record Society

IBC Inventaire des biens culturels

JR Jesuit relations and allied documents

NYCD Documents relative to the colonial history of the state of New-York

OH Ontario History

PAC Public Archives of Canada

PANB Provincial Archives of New Brunswick

PANL Provincial Archives of Newfoundland and Labrador

PANS Public Archives of Nova Scotia

PAO Archives of Ontario

PRO Public Record Office

QDA Quebec Diocesan Archives

RHAF Revue d’histoire de l’Amérique française

RSC Royal Society of Canada

SCHÉC Société canadienne d’histoire de l’Église catholique

SGCF Société généalogique canadienne française

USPG United Society for the Propagation of the Gospel

General Bibliography

The General Bibliography is based on the sources most frequently cited in the individual bibliographies in volume IV. It should not be regarded as providing a complete list of background materials for the history of Canada in the 18th century.

Section i describes the principal archival sources consulted and is arranged by country. Section ii is divided into two parts: part A contains printed primary sources; part B lists contemporary newspapers. Section iii includes dictionaries, nominal lists, indexes, and inventories. Section iv presents secondary works, the majority written in the 20th century; included are a number of general histories and theses. Section v describes the principal journals and the publications of various societies containing material on the 18th century.



ARCHIVES CIVILES. See Québec, ministère de la Justice

ARCHIVES DE LA CHANCELLERIE DE L’ARCHEVÊCHÉ DE MONTRÉAL. This archives holds about 900 photographs, some 500 maps and plans, 634 registers in 17 series (mainly the correspondence of the bishops of Montreal), and some 500,000 files containing unbound items relating to dioceses, clergy, laity, institutions, missions, religious communities, etc. Pre-1896 documents are open to researchers. For further information see: RHAF, XIX (1965–66), 652–55; SCHÉC Rapport, 30 (1963), 69–70. There is a detailed inventory of a number of registers and files in RHAF, XIX (1965–66), 655–64; XX (1966–67), 146–66, 324–41, 669–700; XXIV (1970–71), 111–42.

The following were cited in volume IV:


350: Paroisses

355.114: L’Assomption

901: Fonds Lartigue-Bourget

.001: Évêques de Québec

.004: Étienne Marchand, vicaire général et curé de Boucherville

.005: Étienne Montgolfier, vicaire général

.012: Gabriel-Jean Brassier, p.s.s., vicaire général

.115: Lettres de M. Montgolfier, p.s.s.

.137: Notre-Dame et Saint-Sulpice

ARCHIVES DE LA COMPAGNIE DE JÉSUS, PROVINCE DU CANADA FRANÇAIS. Saint-Jérôme. Founded in 1844 by Father Félix Martin*, first rector of the Collège Sainte-Marie in Montreal, the archives was originally known as the Archives du collège Sainte-Marie [see DCB, I, 686]. In 1968 it was moved to Saint-Jérôme and now forms part of the ASJCF. In the year of its founding this archives received a valuable gift from the nuns of the Hôtel-Dieu of Quebec, who had preserved a small part of the records of the old Jesuit college in Quebec (1635–1800).

In addition to thousands of photographs, miniature paintings, some 500 maps and plans (as yet unnumbered), the ASJCF contains numerous original documents (256 predating 1800) and certified copies concerning the history of the Jesuit missions in Acadia, New France, Canada, and the United States, from 1608 to about 1930 (the date at which French speaking Jesuits turned over their missions to the Indians of the Great Lakes region and Ontario to English speaking Jesuits); as well there are documents relating to the history of the Roman Catholic Church in Canada in the 19th century. All the documents from the period before 1800 have been published [see DCB, II, 692, The Jesuit relations . . .]. Finally, the ASJCF has records previously held by other archives; all organization completed by these archives has been maintained.

The following materials were cited in volume IV:

Cahier des vœux. A list of those pronouncing their vows within the boundaries of New France or Canada, 1715–72.

Fonds général. This group consists of 6,830 numbered documents, comprising, among other materials, the archives of the Collège Sainte-Marie, original documents of the 17th and 18th centuries, and materials relating to the principal religious and political conflicts of the 19th century, including the Jesuit estates question.

573: P. Charles Germain, s.j., Notes biographiques par le P. Arthur Jones

583: P.-R. Floquet, 1716–82, Notes biographiques

595: O. H. Marshall, “De Céloron’s expedition to the Ohio in 1749”

596: Voyage (journal) du P. J.-P. de Bonnecamps à l’Ohio, Québec, 17 oct. 1750

597: P. J.-P. de Bonnecamps, s.j., Notes biographiques

675: Lettre de M. l’abbé LeGuerne, missionnaire de l’Acadie

708: Lettres des missionnaires chez les Acadiens, 1759–60

727: Lettre du P. L.-A. de Glapion à Hugh Finlay, 10 sept. 1788, Québec

740: Concession par messire P.-J.-L. Desjardins, ptre, fondé de pouvoir du P. Joseph Casot, 1798–1800

741: Testament (supposé) du P. Joseph Casot; notes biographiques et gravure

779: Correspondance d’archiviste du P. Jones, 26 oct. 1888–10 mars 1899

808–3: Lettre du P. Germain, s. j. adressée de la rivière Saint-Jean à un habitant de la rivière Annapolis en Nouvelle-Écosse, 19 déc. 1753

856–16: Extrait de la lettre de la mère Marie L. de Saint-Martin, supérieure, au P. Floquet, supérieur des jésuites à Montréal, 15 oct. 1768

4001–28: Papiers Rochemonteix. Includes 28 notebooks used by Camille de Rochemonteix in the preparation of Les jésuites et la Nouvelle-France au XVIIe siècle (3v., Paris, 1895–96) and Les jésuites et la N.-F. au XVIIIe siècle [see section iv].

Fonds Immaculée-Conception. 4,285 numbered documents, primarily miscellaneous correspondence.

4244.43: Note sur le soi-disant testament du P. de Glapion, 1887

Série BO. Contains papers left by Jesuits. Numbered from 1 to 154, these papers are classified by death date and by sequence of date within each file.

80: P. François Lemercier, Notes biographiques

Série D-7: Contains papers of Jesuit fathers

leaving scant records; their classification is identical to the preceding series.

1: P. Félix Martin, Biographie du P. Énémond Massé, missionaire au Canada

ARCHIVES DE LA CONGREGATION DE NOTRE-DAME, Montréal. This archival repository, which now has completed the classification of its material, contains 300 feet of documents dating from 1658 to the present, as well as some 200 maps and plans. The documents relate to the congregation’s administration, its various services, the approximately 200 houses, those operating and closed, as well as to the possessions and the sisters of the congregation.

The following series have been cited in volume IV:

Administration générale

Documents du dépôt général, 1693–1922. 74v.

13: Recettes et dépenses de la communauté; comptes des serviteurs et des fabriques, 1722–66

Documents se rapportant au personnel de la Congrégation de Notre-Dame

Fichier général des sœurs, 1698 à nos jours

Personnel, 1653–1900. 7v.

III: 1768–1807

Registre général des sœurs, 1653 à nos jours


312.640: Neuville

/l: Historique de la fondation, 1713–1899

/2: Historique suivi des Annales, 1713–1897

ARCHIVES DE L’ARCHIDIOCÈSE DE QUÉBEC. Contains some 1,200 feet of documents from 1638 to the present, about 5,000 photographs (1855 to the present), 400 maps and plans from the 18th century on, an analytical card index for all documents prior to 1930, and a six-volume general index to the official registers of the archdiocese from 1659 to the present. A guide to the archives is found in SCHÉC Rapport, 2 (1934–35), 65–73

The series cited in volume IV were the following:

A: Évêques et archevêques de Québec

10 A: Mandements et lettres pastorales

12 A: Registres des insinuations ecclésiastiques

20 A: Lettres manuscrites des évêques de Québec

210 A: Registres des lettres expédiées. There is an inventory of the correspondence of a number of the bishops of Quebec in the ANQ Rapport. For the correspondence of Mgr BRIAND from 1741 to 1794 sea 1929–30, 45–136; for that of

Mgr L.-P. MARIAUCHAU d’Esgly from 1740 to 1788 see 1930–31. 185–98; for that of Mgr HUBERT from 1768 to 1797 see 1930–31, 199–351 (contains as well the correspondence of Mgr C.-F. BAILLY de Messein, as coadjutor); that of Mgr Pierre Denaut* from 1794 to 1806 is in 1931–32, 129–242; and that of Mgr J.-O. Plessis*, as coadjutor of Mgr Denaut from 1797 to 1806, is in 1927–28, 213–40; 1932–33, 1–21.

22 A: Copies de lettres expédiées

30 A: Registre des actes de sépulture, oraisons funèbres, testaments, etc.

B: Chapitre de la cathédrale de Québec

10 B: Registre des délibérations

11 B: Correspondance

C: Secrétairerie et chancellerie

CB: Structures de direction

1 CB: Vicaires généraux

CD: Discipline diocésaine

42 CD: Abjurations

515 CD: Séminaire de Nicolet

516 CD: Séminaire de Québec

61 CD: Paroisses

66 CD: Registre des abjurations

81 CD: Congrégations religieuses féminines

Diocèse de Québec (now being reclassified)

CM: Église universelle

10 CM: Correspondance de Rome

7 CM: États-Unis

90 CM: Angleterre

91 CM: France

CN: Église canadienne

311 CN: Nouveau-Brunswick

60 CN: Gouvernement du Canada

CP: Église du Québec

26 CP: District de Montréal

CR: Province ecclésiastique de Québec

33 CR: Diocèse de Trois-Rivières

U: Archives des missions, paroisses et institutions

Registres des postes du Domaine du roy

W: Copies d’archives étrangères

1 W: Église du Canada

ARCHIVES DE L’HÔPITAL GENERAL DE QUEBEC. This repository holds the archives of the community of the Augustines de la Miséricorde de Jesus (Augustinian hospital nuns) and the archives of the hospital. The former comprise 57 feet of original records from 1645 to the present, 3,000 photographs, and 85 maps and plans. The latter relate to specifically medical records.

The following series were cited in volume IV:


Journal, 1693 à nos jours. 20v. II: 1743–93


Registre des décès, 1728 à nos jours

Registre des prêtres malades, 1745–1935

50: Thomas-Laurent Bédard

ARCHIVES DE L’UNIVERSITÉ DE MONTRÉAL. The Service des archives, which was created in 1966, has been responsible since 1977 for all the institutional and private archives held by the university. The institutional material includes the administrative records and printed documents of the university. The private archive groups, at present 83 in number, are organized as follows: history of the university, professors, early documents, specialized material. The archives has prepared a series of publications on the archive groups and collections that it holds.

The collection cited in volume IV was:

P58: Collection Baby. This collection, which is part of the early documents, contains a large number of original manuscripts collected by François-Louis-Georges Baby*, who bequeathed them to the Université de Montréal. It contains more than 20,000 items covering all aspects of Canadian history from 1602 to 1905. Beginning in 1942, Camille Bertrand classified this collection and reorganized the manuscripts into two major series. Bertrand’s Catalogue de la collection François-Louis-Georges Baby (2v., Montreal, 1971), provides useful information about the material. Manuscript copies of the greater part of the Baby collection are held by PAC.

Correspondance générale. Filed alphabetically under the names of the signatories of the letters, this series comprises about 12,000 original letters, in 120 boxes.

Documents divers. For the most part single items, these are indexed under 20 general titles, listed by the letters A to S.

B: Documents seigneuriaux

B1: Tenure seigneuriale

C: Colonisation

C2: Ventes et échanges

G: Commerce et finance

G2: Commerce, finance, affaires

Q1: Documents hors-series

ARCHIVES DES SŒURS GRISES, Montréal. The documents which were at the Hôpital Général of Montreal when Mme d’Youville [DUFROST] became administratrix there in 1747 make up the Fonds Charon and are the source of this archival repository. Subsequently the items necessary for the general administration of the community

were added. The files of this repository are classified alphabetically and the contents of each file are arranged chronologically. The archives contains 55 feet of original documents dating from 1692 to 1904, several hundred photographs, and about 100 maps and plans.

Series and documents cited in volume IV were:

Ancien journal, 1688–1877. 3v.

I: 1688–1857

II: 1857–67

III: 1867–77

Correspondance générale

Frères Charon

80: Constitutions pour les Frères hospitaliers de la Croix et de Saint-Joseph

Table des articles de la règle de Saint-Augustin


Maison mère




MY/D: Mère d’Youville et ses contemporains

Mémoires de mère Élisabeth McMullen

Mère Despins


Mère d’Youville




Mémoire particulier, 1705–1857

Registre des baptêmes et sépultures de l’Hôpital

Général de Montréal, 1725–1901. 7v.

II: 1759–76

Registre des recettes et dépenses, 1718–1854. 5v.

I: 1718–46

II: 1747–79

Registre des vêtures, professions, sépultures, etc., des frères Charon, 1701–48. 1v.

ARCHIVES DU MONASTÈRE DE L’HOTEL-DIEU DE QUEBEC. In addition to 2,000 photographs and 150 maps and plans, this repository contains about 200 feet of documents (from 1637 to the present) concerning the establishment, government, and administration of the Hôtel-Dieu de Quebec (hospital and convent). For a description of the archives, see Claire Gagnon et François Rousseau, “Deux inventaires des archives de l’Hôtel-Dieu de Québec,” Archives, 73.1 (Quebec), 62–82.

The following material was cited in volume IV:

Actes capitulaires, 1700–1947. 2v.

I: 1700–1922

Annales, 1636 à nos jours. 12v.

II: 1755–74

Bienfaiteurs, 1641–1964. 30 cartons.

Papiers Curot, 1784–1887

Chroniques, 1639–1930. 3v.

III: Dots et pensions


Anciennes mères, 1697–1769. 7 cartons.

Évêques, 1676–1947. 50 cartons.

J.-F. Hubert, 1767–91

Procureurs, 1654–1791. 14 cartons.

B.-L. Villars, 1757–88

Élections triennales et annuelles, 1683–1966. 3v.

I: 1683–1806

Notices biographiques, 1641 à nos jours

M.-L. Curot

Papier terrier, 1639 à nos jours. 115 registres.

Quartier Saint-Sauveur

Registre des comptes du monastère, 1691–1953. 29v.

Recettes (brouillons), 1691–1860. 6v.

IV: 1733–89

V: 1789–1813

Registre des malades, 1689–1907. 20v.

V: 1740–51

ARCHIVES DU MONASTÈRE DES URSULINES, Quebec. This repository holds 60 feet of original documents from 1609 to the present, about 1,500 photographs, 30 daguerreotypes, and 200 maps and plans. Although the majority of the documents relate to the Ursulines, a certain number concern the laity.

The following were used in volume IV:

Actes d’élection des supérieures, 1688–1941

Actes de professions et de sépultures, 1639–1966.

2v. 1: 1639–1867.

Actes des assemblées capitulaires, 1686 à nos jours. 4v. 1: 1686–1842.

Annales, 1639 à nos jours. 8v. I: 1639–1822.

Conclusions des assemblées des discrètes, 1687 à nos jours. 4v. 1: 1687–1865.

Correspondance des laïcs (to be reclassified)

Correspondance de Miss C. A. Baker avec mère Sainte-Croix

Lettres, pétitions, gouverneurs anglais, 1760–1843

Correspondance des ursulines de Paris, 1640–1792

Fonds construction, 1642 à nos jours

Fonds de la famille Wheelwright

Fonds dots des religieuses, 1648–1865

Fonds sermons

Sermon du R.P. Vincent Bigot, s.j., le 3 janvier 1713

Journal (recettes et dépenses), 1715 à nos jours. 38v. 2: 1747–81.

Livre des entrées et sorties des filles françaises et sauvages, 1647–1720. 1v.

Livre des entrées et sorties des pensionnaires, 1720 à nos jours (being classified)

Livres de comptes, 1672 à nos jours. 6v. 1: l 672–1750.

Registre de l’examen canonique des novices, 1689–1967. 4v. 1: 1689–1807.

Registre des entrées, vêtures, professions et décès des religieuses, 1647 à nos jours. 4v.

1: 1647–1862.

ARCHIVES DU SÉMINAIRE DE NICOLET. This repository contains nearly 300 feet of documents; although the earliest predates 1638, the majority are from the 19th and 20th centuries. The ASN also has a collection of photographs and reproductions (200 albums and some 20,000 additional photographs), engravings, paintings, music notebooks, old stamps and coins, as well as plans and estimates for the college, and maps of certain seigneuries and of the province. Now being classified, the repository houses the official records of the seminary, and also important private archives such as that of the seigneury of Nicolet and the papers of Abbé Louis-Édouard Bois*. There is a catalogue index and card indexes by theme and name.

The following were cited in volume IV:

AO: Archives officielles

Polygraphie. 16v.

I: Succession Louis-Marie Brassard

Séminaire. Contains documents on the seminary predating its foundation in 1803 and up to the present. In addition to 13 volumes, numbered I to XIII, this series includes numerous volumes arranged in sections which occupy 117 linear feet; these volumes are at present being classified.

IX: Succession Paradis; université Laval; séminaire.

Titres divers et contrats de l’abbé Louis-Marie Brassard (section 3, rayon 3)

AP: Archives privées

G: Grandes collections

L.-É. Bois, 69v., 3 boîtes et 3 spicilèges de notes et de documents historiques. The Jean-Baptiste Meilleur* collection at PAC (MG 24, B26) contains copies of this series.

Garde-notes. 19v.

Succession. 20v.

ARCHIVES DU SÉMINAIRE DE QUÉBEC. One of the most important private archival repositories in North America. The records date from the seminary’s founding in 1663, but Mgr Thomas-

Étienne Hamel* and Mgr Amédée-Edmond Gosselin* may be considered to have founded the ASQ in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. ASQ contains some I.172 feet of documents (seminary and private papers, the oldest dating from 1636 and the majority from 1675 to 1950), 2,800 maps and plans, and 5,000 engravings and photographs. Analytical and chronological card indexes are available.

Documents used in volume IV include:

C. Livres de comptes du séminaire. 110 manuscript notebooks, 1674–1934.

C 8: 1730–47

C 9: 1748–68

C 10: 1730–35

C 11: 1749–77

C 21: 1740–48

C 22: 1748–70

C 35: 1753–80

Chapitre. 7 cartons, 1670–1974.

Documents Faribault. 3 cartons, 1557–1943.

Évêques. 2 cartons, 1657–1920.

Fonds H.-R. Casgrain. 147 manuscript notebooks classified in Série O (0400-0547) and a number of cartons. Série O

0423: Lettres de Duperon Baby, 1765–88

0475–0476: E.-A. Baby, Mémoires de famille par Mme C.-E. Casgrain

Fonds A.-H. Gosselin. 35 cartons (uncatalogued).

Fonds Viger-Verreau. The collections of Abbé H.-A.-J.-B. Verreau* and Jacques Viger* consist of 102 cartons and 300 manuscript notebooks. The latter are in Série O and include, among other items, the Viger collection entitled “Ma Saberdache” (095–0125; 0139–0152) (see Fernand Ouellet, “Inventaire de la Saberdache de Jacques Viger,” ANQ Rapport, 1955–57, 31–176). This collection also contains a book of photos, the “Album Gaspé,” and 15 registers of copies of the HALDIMAND papers, 1757–86.

Série O

035: Album Verreau, I

040A: Commissions, instructions et livre de comptes (recettes et dépenses du gouvernement civil de Québec) . . . , 1772

081: Jacques Viger, Notices sur la vie de plusieurs “Prêtres du Canada,” avant 1834

0181: Les troubles de l’Église du Canada, 1728

0227: H.-A. Verreau, Histoire du Canada, I Lettres. 36 cartons.

I: uncatalogued

M: 1685–1789

P: 1685–1887

R: 1686–1946

S: 1663–1871

T: 1731–1875

Y: 1742–1881

Missions. 2 cartons.

mss. 870 manuscript notebooks including the journal of the seminary

2: A.-J.-M. Jacrau, prêtre, Annales du petit séminaire de Québec, 1700

12: Grand livre du séminaire de 1733–1856

13: Plumitif du Conseil du séminaire commencé en 1678. 5v.

82–103: Pierre Potier, s.j. (22 cahiers), 1739–49

146: Emmanuel Crespel, prêtre, Relations des voyages du R. P. Emmanuel Crespel, 1792

191b: Louis Crespel, Voyages et naufrage du R. P. Emmanuel Crespel, 1742

208: Pierre Hazeur, Extraits de correspondance entre Mr. Pierre Hazeur et son frère Thierry, 1730–57

424: A.-E. Gosselin, prêtre, États de service des officiers du Canada

425: A.-E. Gosselin, prêtre, Répertoire du clergé canadien, Régime français

433: A.-E. Gosselin, prêtre, Officiers et professeurs du séminaire de Québec, 1663–1860

437: A.-E. Gosselin, prêtre, Prêtres du séminaire de Québec (notices) du début à nos jours

mss-m. 1,120 manuscript notebooks of lecture courses

67: André Couillard, Cours de philosophie par le père J.-B. de Labrosse, 1757

122: Charles Chauveau, Éclipse de soleil; Éclipse de lune; Cours de mathématiques (tous de l’abbé Thomas Bédard), 1775

199–202: Arnault Dudevant, Cours de théologie (4 cahiers), 1774

225: Bertrand, Cours de rhétorique par l’abbé François Leguerne et Urbain Boiret, 1770

228: Antoine Lapommerai, Cours de rhétorique par l’abbé Charles-François Bailly de Messein, 1774

251: T.-L. Bédard, prêtre, Cours d’Astronomie, 1792

726: Cours de théologie par l’abbé T.-L. Bédard, 1790

Paroisse de Québec. 2 cartons. 1652–1877.

Polygraphie. 324 cartons.

S. 70 cartons and 327 manuscript notebooks (identified by S-) concerning the seigneuries of the seminary.

S–184A: Aveu et dénombrement, 11 juillet 1781, par le séminaire de Québec

Séminaire. 256 cartons.

Université. 369 cartons concerning the administration and the correspondence of the university and 75 manuscript notebooks (Série U) relating to the administration and various societies.

ARCHIVES DU SÉMINAIRE DE SAINT-SULPICE, Montréal. An important archival repository for the history of the Montreal region from the beginning. The repository, divided into 67 sections, contains 500 feet of documents for the years 1586–1978, about 1,600 maps and plans, and 500 photographs.

The following sections were used in the preparation of volume IV:

Section 8: Seigneuries, fiefs, arrière-fiefs, domaines, 1658–1930

A: Seigneurie du Lac-des-Deux-Montagnes, 1660–1930

Section 11: Enseignement, 1654–1960

Section 14: Successions, 1653–1958

Section 15: Testaments, 1692–1968

Section 19: Statistiques, 1643–1886

Section 21: Correspondance générale, 1670–1920

Section 24: Histoire et géographie, biographies, divers, 1600–1920

Dossier 2: Biographies, 1642–1850

Dossier 5: Catalogue des prêtres de Saint-Sulpice, etc., 1657–1900

Dossier 6: Cahiers Faillon

Section 27: Le séminaire, les évêchés et les paroisses, 1654–1938

ARCHIVES JUDICIAIRES. See Québec, ministère de la Justice

ARCHIVES NATIONALES DU QUÉBEC. At the conquest, articles 43, 44, and 45 of the capitulation of Montreal – contrary to the custom of international law at that time – permitted the administrators of New France to take documents relating to the government of the colony back to France. Only records having a legal value for individuals remained in the country, and these were to suffer many misfortunes before the office of the Archives de la province de Québec – now the Archives rationales du Québec – was created in 1920. (See Gilles Héon, “Bref historique des Archives du Québec,” ANQ Rapport, 1970, 13–25.) Since 1971, the ANQ, which has its head office at

Quebec, has been opening regional centres in each of the administrative regions of Quebec. In addition to the repository at Quebec there are now repositories for Mauricie/Bois-Francs (Trois-Rivières), Montréal, Outaouais (Hull), Saguenay/Lac-Saint-Jean (Chicoutimi). Those for Bas-Saint-Laurent (Rimouski) and the Eastern Townships (Sherbrooke) are in the process of organization. There are also plans to open repositories on the North Shore and in the northwest. All the repositories contain private archives and the archives of local communities, which include the records of numerous bodies including parishes, municipalities, and the school boards of each of the administrative districts. As well, they hold documents entrusted to them by the Archives civiles and the Archives judiciaires of the administrative districts. Hence the notarial minutiers (greffes),surveyors’ records, registers of births, marriages, and deaths (updated lists of these documents are available at the archives), and records of various courts of justice will eventually be located at these regional centres of the ANQ [see section i, Québec, ministère de la Justice].


The following were used in volume IV:

État civil

Insinuations, 1675–1911. 133 cahiers.

Minutiers (greffes)

Procès-verbaux des arpenteurs


Further information on thé documents held in this repository can be found in " État sommaire des Archives nationales du Québec à Montréal," ANQ Rapport, 1972. 1–29.

The following were cited in volume IV:

AP: Archives privées

199: Fleury Mesplet

M-78-8: Charles Phillips

Chambre des milices (formerly ANQ-Q, QBC 28, 1–6), 1760–64. 6v.

Documents judiciaires

Contrats de shérif 1767–99. 3 v .

Cour des plaidoyers communs

Registres, 1765–1816.48v.

Sentences, 1765–67. 1v.

Juridiction de Montréal (formerly ANQ-Q, NF 21), 1676–1760. 17v.

Pièces détachées de documents judiciaires, classées par ordre chronologique, 1651–1760. 164v.

Registres des audiences pour la juridiction de Montréal, 1665–1760. 32 registres.

État civil


Registres des insinuations, 1722–1866. 49v.

Livres de comptes

Minutiers (greffes)

Procès-verbaux des arpenteurs

Recensem*nt, Compagnie des Indes, 1741

1 registre. Testaments

Testaments olographes, 1658–1875. 17v.

Tutelles et curatelles

1658–1852. 250v.


Further information about the records housed in this repository can be found in État général des archives publiques et privées (Québec, 1968). It should be noted that the following material will be moved to one location on the campus of the Université Laval early in 1980: the registers of births, marriages, and deaths held by the Section de la Généalogie, 1,180 Rue Berthelot; post-1867 official documents, maps, plans, and illustrations, which are now located at 115 Côte de la Montagne: and pre-1867 official documents as well as private archives which at present are at the Parc des Champs de Bataille.

The following were cited in volume IV:

AP: Archives privées

G: Grandes collections

208: Port de Québec, 1779–1922

229: Renaud d’Avène Des Méloizes, Nicolas, 1783–1811

313: Allsopp, George, 1765–1804

322: Affaire du Canada. 1761-63

323: Agriculture Society, 1789–95

398: Baillargé, François. 1784–1800

P: Petites collections

11: Adhémar, dit St-Martin, famille, 1689–1844

84: Bailly, Charles, 10 mars 1651

86: Bailly, Mlle, 5 juin 1739

378: Lotbinière, famille. 1761–1810

526: Delzenne, Monsieur, 1763 et 1772

545: Deschambault, sieur, 1755–56

659: Dupont, famille, 1580–1866

753: Fournel, J.-Ls. et Mme Vve, 1725–65

997: Hubert, famille, 1797

1061: Labadie, Louis, 1796–97

1106: Lajus, François, 1757–76

1385: Mariaucheau d’Esgly, famille, XVIIIe siècle

1386: Mariaucheau d’ Esgly, Mgr Louis-Philippe, 1788

1395: Martel, Michel, 1749

1565: Panet, Monsieur. 1744–69

1607: Péan, famille, 1575–1730

1634: Perthuis, Joseph, 31 janv. 1743

2213: Laterrière, Pierre de Sales, 1789

État civil

Minutiers (greffes)

NF: Nouvelle-France

2: Ordonnances des intendants, 1666–1760. 46v.

4: Registres d’intendance, 1672–1759. 4v.

6: Foi et hommage, 1667–1759. 5v.

7: Aveux et dénombrements, 1723–58. 5v.

8: Déclarations des censitaires du roi, 1750–58.4v.

10: Procès-verbaux des grands voyers, 1668–1780. 9v.

11: Registres du Conseil supérieur, 1663–1760. 69v.

12: Insinuations du Conseil supérieur, 1663–1758. 16v. (Volumes 11 to 16 are copies of the first volumes.)

13: Dossiers du Conseil supérieur, 1663–1759. 11v.

Matières criminelles, 1665–1759

19: Registres de la Prévôté de Québec, 1666–1759. 113 v .

20: Documents de la Prévôté de Québec, 1668–1759. 17v.

21: See ANQ-M, Documents judiciaires, Juridiction de Montréal

25: Collection de pièces judiciaires et notariales, 1638–1759. 125v.

QBC: Québec et Bas-Canada

16: Seigneuries, 1766–1862. 10v.

26: Armée et milice, 1770–1871. 8v.

28: Cours de justice, 1760–1880. 61v.

Chambre des milices. See ANQ-M,

Chambre des milices

Conseil militaire, Québec, 1760–1764

ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO, Toronto. The archives is authorized to acquire, preserve, and analyse all records of significance of the Ontario government. It also holds manuscripts, maps, photographs, pictures, and newspapers relating to the history of the province. Unpublished inventories, calendars, catalogue entries, guides, and other finding aids are available in the archives.

Materials used in volume IV include:

Baby family papers, 1759–1866

Canniff (William) papers, 1778–1900

Cartwright family papers, 1779–1913

Hiram Walker Museum collection, 1749–1971

Macaulay family papers, 1781–1921

Reive (W. G.) collection

Robinson (Sir John Beverley) papers, 1803–1905

Russell family papers, 1720–1810

Simcoe (John Graves) papers, 1665–1934

Street (Samuel) papers, 1791–1880

Upper Canada, Lieutenant governor, Letter-book, 1799–1800

RG l: Records of the Ministry of Natural Resources

A: Offices of surveyor general and commissioner of crown lands

I: Correspondence

1: Letters received, surveyor general, 1766–1913

6: Letters received, surveyor general and commissioner

II: Reports and statements

1: Surveyor general’s reports, 1788–1857

CB-1: Survey diaries, field notes, and reports

C: Lands Branch

IV: Township papers

RG 8: Records of the Department of the Provincial Secretary

I-3: Recording Office

RG 21: Municipal records

A: Records of municipalities and townships, 1790 to the present

RG 22: Court records

3: Supreme Court of Ontario

6-2: Records of the Surrogate Court of Ontario

7: Courts of General Quarter Sessions of the Peace

ARCHIVES PAROISSIALES. The parish archives in Quebec hold, in particular, the registers of baptisms, marriages, and burials, of which a copy is kept in the Archives civiles of the judicial district in which the parish is located. The Archives civiles hold the registers for one hundred years before transferring them to the ANQ. Parish archives usually contain many other records including parish account books and vestry records, and registers of the confraternities of the parish, etcetera.

CENTRE D’ÉTUDES ACADIENNES, Université de Moncton, N.-B. Established in 1969. the CÉA holds the papers formerly deposited at the Archives acadiennes; the latter had inherited the documents accumulated at the Collège Saint-Joseph since its founding in 1864. The collection includes manuscripts, books, folklore materials, maps, and newspapers. The CÉA holds copies of many series related to Acadian history; of particular interest for the 18th century are the materials copied in France in the Archives nationales and Archives départementales. For further information about the collections, see CÉA, Inventaire général des sources documentaires sur les archives (1v. to date, Moncton, N.-B., 1975– ).

Materials used in volume IV include:

1: Fonds d’archives privées

A: Fonds personnels

Bourgeois, Philias (1855–1913)

Gaudet, Placide (1850–1930)

C: Généalogies acadiennes

Fonds Patrice Gallant

HUDSON’S BAY COMPANY ARCHIVES. Winnipeg. The archives as constituted at present was established in 1932, and holds records dating from 1670. Documents from the archives have been published by the Hudson’s Bay Record Society since 1938 [see section ii]. In 1974 the archives was transferred from London to Winnipeg and deposited in the Provincial Archives of Manitoba. The PRO and the PAC hold microfilm copies of the archives for the years 1670–1870. Information on PAC copies and finding aids is found in: General inventory manuscripts, 3.

The following were used in the preparation of volume IV:

Section A: London office records

A.1/: London minute books

A.5/: London correspondence outwards – general

A.6/: London correspondence outwards – official

A.11/: London inward correspondence from HBC posts

A.14/: Grand ledgers

A.15/: Grand journals

A.16/: Officers’ and servants’ ledgers and account books

A.19/: Cash books

A.30/: Lists of servants

A.32/: Servants’ contracts

A.36/: Officers’ and servants’ wills

A.43/: Transfer book (book of assignments of stock)

A.44/: Register book of wills and administrations of proprietors, etc.

Section B: North America trading post records

B.3/a: Albany journals

B.3/b: Albany correspondence

B.14/a: Bedford House (Reindeer Lake) journals

B.22/a: Brandon House, journals

B.23/a: Brunswick House journals

B.24/a: Buckingham House journals

B.42/a: Churchill journals

B.42/b: Churchill correspondence books

B.42/d: Churchill account books

B.49/a: Cumberland House journals

B.59/a: Eastmain journals

B.59/b: Eastmain correspondence books

B.60/a: Edmonton House journals

B.64/a: Escabitchewan journals

B.78/a: Gloucester House journals

B.86/a: Henley House journals

B.87/a: Hudson House (Upper) journals

B.121/a: Manchester House journals

B.123/a: Martin Fall journals

B.135/a: Moose journals

B.135/b: Moose correspondence books

B.155/a: Osnaburgh House journals

B.166/a: Portage de l’Île journals

B.177/a: Red Lake journals

B.198/a: Severn journals

B.198/d: Severn account books

B.198/z: Severn miscellaneous items

B.205/a: South Branch House journals

B.211/a: Sturgeon Lake (Albany River) journals

B.239/a: York Factory journals

B.239/b: York Factory correspondence books

B.239/d: York Factory account books

B.239/f: York Factory lists of servants

Section C: Records of ships owned or chartered by the HBC

C.1/: Ships’ logs

Section E: Miscellaneous

E.2/: “Observations on Hudson’s Bay.” Pieces 1–3 are by James Isham, 4–13 by Andrew Graham.

Section F: Records relating to companies connected with or subsidiary to the HBC

F.3/1: North West Company correspondence

Section Z: Miscellaneous items

Z.4/1: Deeds referring to lands in Stapleford, Abbots, England

INVENTAIRE DES BIENS CULTURELS, Québec. The documentation centre of the IBC includes a library devoted mainly to history, art history, anthropology, archaeology, and architecture, as well as a map library which has copies of both early and contemporary maps of Quebec, copies of architectural plans, a photographic collection. and a large number of manuscript files.

Materials consulted in the preparation of volume IV include the following:

Fonds Morisset. When Gérard Morisset* set up the Service de l’Inventaire des œuvres d’art in 1940, he gained official recognition for a project of recording and locating works of art which he had conducted personally for more than ten years. Aided by a staff which he himself had trained, until 1967 Morisset photographed articles of silver, works of architecture, and paintings, searched parish account books, newspapers, and notarial registers, and accumulated many thousands of documents on artisans and their

work. This impressive collection (about 70,000 photographs, 40,000 biographical cards, 20,000 slides, and 5,000 old photographs) had already acquired an exceptional value as the result of the disappearance of a number of the works of art. The two principal sections of this collection comprise files dealing with the artists and artisans of Quebec (section 2) and files containing documentation on architecture and works of art by locality (section 5). As well, numerous files dealing with architecture, works of art, and the ethnography of Quebec have been added to the Morisset collection to form section 3. The photographs and slides taken by Gérard Morisset or by the staff of the IBC have been studied and classified individually in order to make the collection more accessible to the researcher.

McGILL UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES, DEPARTMENT OF RARE BOOKS AND SPECIAL COLLECTIONS, Montreal. This repository, established in 1965, holds 350 feet of Canadian documents from 1664 to the present, about 670 engravings, and some 1,900 maps and plans. The collection includes documents relating to McGill University, and a large selection of papers of scientists and explorers, scholars and authors, businessmen, other notable figures, various families, associations, and institutions. In addition to Canadian manuscripts, the McGill University Libraries holds an important collection of European manuscripts (dating from the 9th century). For a more complete description, see Richard Pennington, McGill University Library, special collections: European and American manuscripts (Montreal, 1962); John Andreassen, A preliminary guide to the manuscript collection, McGill University (Montreal, 1969).

The following were cited in volume IV:

Manuscript collection

Chartier de Lotbinière family

CH243.S221b: Miscellaneous documents, 1787–1819

Cugnet, François Joseph

CH9.S44: Loix municipales de Quebec divisées en trois traités . . . , 1771–73

CH191.5169: Three letters to Mr Justice Blackstone, 1773; a.l.s. to Chartier de Lotbinière via Monsieur de Longueuil . . . , 1788

Fleury Deschambault, Joseph

CH218.S196: [Contains various memoirs by Joseph Fleury Deschambault and other documents relating to him], 1765–77 Frobisher, Joseph

CH132.S2: Letter book of the North West Company . . . , 1787–88

Hubert, Jean François

CH193.S171: a.l.s. to M. Dufrost, 1789

New manuscript collection

Orillat, Jean, 1733–79, Inventaire des biens de la communauté d’entre feu Mr Jean Orillat à dame Thérèse Viger son épouse, 19 juillet 1779

PROVINCIAL ARCHIVES OF NEW BRUNSWICK, Fredericton. Established in 1968, the PANB contains government records from 1784 as well as private manuscript collections. Records and manuscripts formerly with the Legislative Library of New Brunswick have been transferred to the archives. For information on the manuscript holdings see A guide to the manuscript collections in the Provincial Archives of New Brunswick, comp. A. B. Rigby (Fredericton, 1977).

Materials used in the preparation of volume IV include:

“New Brunswick political biography.” Compiled by J. C. and H. B. Graves. 11 vols., typescript.

RG 2: Records of the central executive

RS 6: Minutes and orders.-in-council of the Executive Council

RS 7: Executive Council records, Ottawa series

RS 8: Executive Council records, New Brunswick series Appointments and commissions Attorney General, cases and opinions Indians

RG 4: Records of the New Brunswick Legislative Assembly

RS 24: Legislative Assembly sessional papers

RG 5: Records of the Superior Courts

RG 7: Records of the Probate Courts

RS 63: Charlotte County Probate Court records

RG 10: Records of the Department of Natural Resources

RS 107: Crown Lands and Lands Branch records

RS 108: Land petitions

RG 18: Records of the Department of Municipal Affairs

RS 153: Northumberland County records

Minutes of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas and General Sessions of the Peace

PROVINCIAL ARCHIVES OF NEWFOUNDLAND AND LABRADOR, St John’s. Created by an act of the Newfoundland House of Assembly in 1959, the PANL took over the collection and preserva-

tion of existing public archives from Memorial University of Newfoundland, which had performed the task in the previous three years. The PANL contains both printed and unprinted government and private records. The main groups of government records are supplemented by Colonial Office correspondence from the PRO, available by means of transcript or microfilm. Private records groups contain the papers of governors, politicians, civil servants, military and naval figures, businessmen, etcetera, in addition to the records of various corporate bodies. For further information see Preliminary inventory of the holdings . . . and Supplement . . . (2 nos., St John’s, 1970–74).

Materials used in the preparation of volume IV include:

Government records – Newfoundland

GN 2: Department of the Colonial Secretary

1: Outgoing correspondence, 1749–1864, 1867–1934

2: Incoming correspondence

GN 5: Court records

1: Surrogate Court

C: Southern District

1: Minutes

P: Private records

N. C. Crewe collection

Slade & Sons, Fogo, records, 1782–1878

PUBLIC ARCHIVES OF CANADA, Ottawa. The following general inventories to material used in the preparation of volume IV have been published by the Manuscript Division or the Public Records Division:

General inventory manuscripts, volume 1.

MG 1-MG 10 (1971).

General inventory manuscripts, volume 2,

MG 11-MG 16 (1976).

General inventory manuscripts, volume 3,

MG 17-MG 21 (1974).

General inventory manuscripts, volume 4,

MG 22-MG 25 (1972).

General inventory manuscripts, volume 7,

MG 29 (1975).

General inventory manuscripts, volume 8,

MG 30 (1977).

General inventory series, no.1. records relating to Indian affairs (RG 10) (1975).

General inventory series, no.6, records of Statistics Canada (RG 31) (1977).

Other inventories, some of them largely superseded by unpublished inventories available at the PAC, are the following:

Record Group 1, Executive Council, Canada, 1764–1867 (1953).

Record Group 4, civil and provincial sec-

retaries’ offices, Canada East, 1760–1867; Record Group 5, civil and provincial secretaries’ offices, Canada West, 1788–1867 (1953).

Record groups, no.14: Records of parliament, 1775–1915; no.15: Department of the Interior; no.16: Department of National Revenue (1957).

Unpublished addenda for the above inventories and unpublished inventories of other manuscript and record groups, as well as finding aids to individual collections, are available for consultation at the PAC.

The following were found useful in the preparation of volume IV:

MG 8: Documents relatifs à la Nouvelle-France et au Québec (XVIIe–XXe siècles)

C: District de Montréal

10: Cour des Plaidoyers communs. Originaux, 1783–91; transcriptions, 1765–67.

F: Documents relatifs aux seigneuries et autres lieux

51: Longueuil. Originaux et transcriptions, 1701–1870.

113: Soulanges. Originaux, 1739, 1756.

G: Archives paroissiales

10: Fort Saint-Frédéric ou fort Beauharnois (Crown Point) (église catholique). Transcriptions, 1732–60.

14: Illinois (église catholique). Transcriptions, 1695–1834.

17: Michilimackinac, Saint-Ignace (église catholique). Transcriptions, 1695–1799.

MG 9: Provincial, local, and territorial records

A: New Brunswick

5: Crown Lands Department. Transcripts, 1784–87; typescripts, 1763–1860; photocopies, 1783–1833.

B: Nova Scotia

1: Executive Council. Originals, 1770–75, 1841–42.

3: Legislature. Originals, 1749–53, 1768–82; photocopies, 1749–50.

8: Church records

9: Local records

MG 11: Public Record Office, London, Colonial Office papers

[CO 42]. Q series. Transcripts, 1760–1841.

The Q transcripts were prepared by the PAC before the PRO reorganization of 1908–10 and include most of what is now in CO 42, material now found in CO 43, and items from other

series. Documents for the period covered by volume IV are calendared in PAC Report, 1890, 1891, and 1892.

[CO 217]. Nova Scotia A; Cape Breton A. Transcripts and photostats, 1603–1865. Up to 1801 these series are composites of transcripts from various sources in Great Britain, especially the PRO. By the time that the work of transcription had reached 1802 the PRO had established the CO 217 series. From 1802 on the transcripts are from CO 217 only. Documents of Nova Scotia A for the period covered by volume IV have been calendared in PAC Report, 1894, and of Cape Breton A in Report, 1895.

[CO 220]. Nova Scotia B (minutes of the Executive Council, 1720–85); Nova Scotia C (minutes of the Legislative Council, 1758–1807). Transcripts. A composite series taken principally from sources now part of PRO, CO 217 or CO 220. A calendar for Nova Scotia B has been published in PAC Report, 1949.

MG 17: Ecclesiastical archives

A: Roman Catholic Church

7-2: Séminaire de Saint-Sulpice, Montréal. Original, 1828; transcriptions, 1635–1899; microfilms, 1556–1945.

15: Hôpital-Général de Montréal. Originals, 1908; transcriptions, 1692–1773 .

D: Moravian Brethren

1: Moravian Brethren. Originals, 1827–1955; transcripts, 1752, 1770–79; microfilm, 1749–1944.

MG 18: Pre-conquest papers

D: Hudson Bay

5: Graham, Andrew. Transcripts, n.d.

E: Religious records

15: Crespel, Emmanuel. Original, 1742.

F: Acadia and Newfoundland

37: Vergor, Louis Du Pont Du Chambon de. Original, 1755.

G: Governors and intendants of Canada

2: Vaudreuil, famille. Originaux, 1718–1831; photocopie, 1786; transcriptions, 1758–59.

8: Bigot, François. Originaux, 1746–52; photocopies, 1756–63; transcriptions, 1748–65.

H: New France

7: Testard de Montigny, famille.

Transcriptions, vers 1659–vers 1863.

13: Denys, famille. Original, 1710; photocopies, 1658, 1724; transcriptions, 1655–1787; microfilm, 1654–1870.

28: Morin, Pierre-Louis. Originaux, 1836–84; transcriptions, 1504–1763.

50: Lemoine Despins, famille. Originaux, 1755–1851.

I: Detroit

5: Detroit, registres de notaires de. Originaux, 1786–92; transcriptions, 1737–96.

J: Memoirs and travel

10: Johnstone, James, dit le chevalier de. Transcriptions, 1745–60.

K: French officers

3: Chartier de Lotbinière, Michel-Eustache-Gaspard, marquis de. Originaux, 1683–1832; photocopies, 1663–1792; transcriptions, 1778–88; microfilm, 1750–87.

4: Benoist, Antoine-Gabriel-François, dit le chevalier. Originaux, 1706–vers 1776.

10: Bougainville, Louis-Antoine de. Original, 1760; photocopies, 1756–63; transcriptions, 1756–63.

L: British officers

4: Amherst family. Photocopies, 1758–1854; transcripts, 1758–1836; microfilm, 1758–63.

M: Northcliffe collection

N: Military and naval documents

15: Seven Years’ War. Originals, 1758–60; transcripts, 1754–59.

21: Williamson family. Photocopy, 1760; microfilm, 1757–76.

25: Nova Scotia: British garrisons. Transcripts, 1754–56.

O: Miscellaneous

6: Couagne, famille. Originaux, vers 1761–vers 1769.

MG 19: Fur trade and Indians

A: Fur trade, general

2: Ermatinger estate. Originals, 1758–1874; photocopies, 1766–1966.

B: Fur trade, companies and associations

3: Beaver Club. Transcript, 1807–27.

E: Red River Settlement

2: Red River Settlement, 1814–30. Originals, 1822–30; transcripts, 1814–18.

F: Indians

1: Claus family. Originals, 1755–1886.

2: Johnson family. Photocopies,

1763–1807; originals, 1778–1827; transcripts, 1764, 1770, 1937.

6: Brant family. Originals, 1774–1889; photocopies, 1786. 1793, 1799.

MG 23: Late eighteenth-century papers

A: British statesmen

l: Dartmouth, William Legge, 2nd Earl of. Originals, transcripts, 1688–1798.

4: Shelburne, William Fitzmaurice Petty, 2nd Earl of, 1st Marquis of Lansdowne. Typescripts, 1663–1782; transcripts, 1698–1795.

B: American revolution

3: Continental Congress. Transcripts, 1776–88.

C: Nova Scotia

17: Suckling, George. Original, 1759–60.

D: New Brunswick

1: Chipman, Ward, Sr and Jr. Originals, 1751–1844; microfilm, 1783–1839.

5: Crannell, Bartholomew. Originals, 1783–1818.

E: Prince Edward Island

6: Montgomery, Sir James William. Originals, 1792; photocopies, 1791–98.

F: Cape Breton

1: Desbarres, Joseph Frederick Wallet. Originals, 1762–1894; photocopies, 1774–1925; transcripts, 1903–17.

GI: Quebec and Lower Canada: government

5: Quebec: administration of justice. Originals, 1782, 1787.

GII: Quebec and Lower Canada: political figures

1: Murray, James. Originals, 1757–78; photocopies, 1765–93; transcripts, 1734–92.

3: Gray, Edward William. Originals, 1767–1826.

12: Hope, Henry. Originals, 1781–86; photocopies, 1779, 1789.

15: Gray, Alexander. Originals, 1784–87.

19: Monk, James and family. Originals, 1735–1888.

21: Price, Benjamin. Originals, 1767.

22: Haldimand, Sir Frederick. Originals, 1779–91.

23: Mabane, Adam. Originals, 1783–90.

GIII: Quebec and Lower Canada: merchants and settlers

5: Lindsay-Morrison papers. Photocopies. 1716–1860.

7: Porteous, John. Microfilm, 1765–1862; transcripts, 1780–1800.

8: Birnie, Samuel. Originals, 1785–94.

11: Fraser, Alexander. Originals, 1791–1810.

25: Antiquarian and Numismatic Society of Montreal. Microfilm, 1712–1930.

29: Augé, Étienne. Microfilm, 1750–80.

GIV: Quebec and Lower Canada: religious and fraternal

8: Marchand, Étienne. Original, 1765.

GV: Quebec and Lower Canada: miscellaneous

1: Boisseau, Nicolas-Gaspard. Originaux, 1784–89.

HI: Upper Canada: political figures

l: Simcoe, John Graves. Microfilm, 1765–1860; photocopies, 1768–1805; transcripts, 1724–1824.

3: Jarvis family. Originals, 1767–1901.

5: White, John. Originals, 1780–1840; photocopies, 1792–97.

8: Murray, George W. Original, 1789.

I: Colonies general

13: Sharpe, Joshua. Originals, 1760–72.

K: Military documents

3: Gage, Thomas. Photocopies, 1765, 1768.

MG 24: Nineteenth-century pre-confederation papers

A: British officials and political figures

6: Hunter, Peter. Originals, 1799, 1802; photocopy, 1800; transcript, 1799–1805.

B: North American political figures and events

l: Neilson collection. Originals, 1666–1912; transcripts, 1804–37; photocopies, 1763–68.

D: Industry, commerce and finance

3: Collection Gamelin. Originaux, 1766–1858.

4: Goring, Francis. Originals, 1776–1833 .

E: Transportation

l: Merritt papers. Originals, 1775–1897; microfilm, 1780–1873.

F: Military and naval figures

3: Bell, William. Originals, 1800–36.

L: Miscellaneous

3: Collection Baby. Originaux, 1855–1879; transcriptions, 1629–1907; microfilm, 1691–1836.

MG 25: Genealogy

47: Gorham family. Transcript, 1927.

186: Collection Gérard Jalbert. Originals, n.d.

MG 28: Records of post-confederation corporate bodies

III: Business establishments

18: Robin, Jones and Whitman, Ltd. Originals, 1784–1953.

MG 29: Nineteenth-century post-confederation manuscripts

A: Economic

26: Goodwin, E. G.[?]. Original, 1946.

E: Professional and public life

74: Campbell, John Colin Armour, collection. Originals, n.d., 1903.

MG 30: Manuscripts of the first half of the twentieth century

C: Social

20: Gaudet, Placide. Originaux, vers 1900; transcriptions, vers 1900; photocopies, 1897–1914.

D: Cultural

1: Audet, Francis-Joseph. Originaux, 1888–1942.

E: Professional and public life

66: Cruikshank, Ernest Alexander. Originals, 1903–40.

MG 55/14: Miscellaneous documents

RG 1: Executive Council of Canada, 1764–1867

E: State records

1: Minute books, 1764–1867

15: Board of Audit, 1759–1867

L: Land records

3: Upper Canada and Canada, petitions, 1791–1867

3L: Quebec and Lower Canada, petitions, 1764–1842

4: Upper Canada, land board records, 1764–1804

5: Upper Canada, records of the Heir and Devisee Commission, 1777–1854

RG 4: Civil and provincial secretaries’ offices, Quebec, Lower Canada, and Canada East

A: Civil secretary’s correspondence, 1760–1841

1: Series, 1760–1841

B: Office records, 1763–1867

6: Statistical returns from public officers, 1791, 1806, 1808–40

8: Petitions for notaries’ and advocates’ commissions, 1760–1841

17: Suits, 1765–91, 1798–1827

28: Bonds, licences, and certificates, 1763–1867

32: Shipping returns for the port of Quebec, 1766–1819

43: Miscellaneous records relating to

the St Paul’s Bay disease, 1785–91

58: Customs records, 1772–1852

D: Montreal Gazette, Jan.–Dec. 1798

1: Quebec Gazette, 1764–1850, 1854–55,1864

RG 5: Civil and provincial secretaries’ offices, Canada West

A: Civil secretary’s correspondence, 1791–1840

1: Upper Canada sundries

RG 8: British military and naval records

I: C series (British military records)

RG 10: Indian affairs

A: Administrative records of the imperial government, 1677–1864

1: Records of the governor general and lieutenant governors, 1787–1850

1–7: Upper Canada, civil control, 1796–1816, 1829–30, 1841–43 486–87: Lower Canada, civil control, 1801–15

2: Records of the superintendent’s office, 1755–1830

8–21: Superintendent general’s office, 1791–1828

26–46: Deputy superintendent general’s office, correspondence, 1789–1830

1822–26, 1829–32: Minutes of Indian affairs, 1755–90

6: General office files, 1717–1864

659, 785, 1833: General administration records, Quebec and Lower Canada, 1717–1849

1834–35: General administration records, Six Nations and Niagara, 1763–1810

RG 14: Records of parliament, 1775–1972

A: Legislative Council, Quebec and Lower Canada, 1775–1841

l: Records of the clerk, 1775–91, 1807–37

RG 31: Statistics Canada

A: Census Division

l: Census records, 1825–81

RG 68: Registrar general of Canada, c. 1651–1978.

The PAC has recently converted the former, complex volume numbering system of RG 68 to a single continuous series from 1 to 1142. DCB references are to the new PAC volume numbers. However, since researchers are obliged to consult microfilm copies of RG 68 and only the old volume numbers appear on the reels, a conversion table at the PAC must be consulted to obtain the new volume numbers.

PUBLIC ARCHIVES OF NOVA SCOTIA, Halifax. Founded in 1857, the PANS holds government records, court papers, municipal records, family and business papers, collections of societies such as the Nova Scotia Historical Society, community and church records, microfilm copies of deeds and wills from county registries and courts of probate, and a collection of Nova Scotian newspapers. For further information see C. B. Fergusson, The Public Archives of Nova Scotia (PANS Bull., 19, Halifax, 1963). For a description of the collections see Inventory of manuscripts in the Public Archives of Nova Scotia (Halifax. 1976).

Materials used in the preparation of volume IV include:

MG 1: Papers of families and individuals

MG 4: Churches and communities

MG 7: Log books, ships and shipping Shipping registers, Halifax

MG 9: Scrapbooks

RG 1: Bound volumes of Nova Scotia records for the period 1624–1867

5–26: Documents relating to the governing of Nova Scotia under British rule while the governor resided at Annapolis Royal

28–185: Documents relating to the governing of Nova Scotia, 1748–1867

Dispatches, letterbooks, and commission books

186–214½H: Council, minutes, 1749–1867

215–18: Legislative Council, journals

219–85: Miscellaneous documents. 1748–1870

286–300: Legislative Council, selections from the files

341–96c: Special subjects

410–18: City of Halifax

430–32: Indians

443–54: Census and poll tax

491–98: Court of Vice-Admiralty, records, 1749–94, 1813

RG 5: Records of the Legislative Assembly of Nova Scotia

A: Assembly papers, 1758–1815

RG 20: Lands and forests

RG 37: Inferior Court of Common Pleas

RG 39: Supreme Court

C: Civil and criminal cases

J: Judgement books

QUÉBEC, MINISTÈRE DE LA JUSTICE. The Archives civiles and the Archives judiciaires of Quebec, which are under the jurisdiction of the Ministère de la Justice, have now been established as separate repositories, following the reclassification of the old Archives judiciaires.

ARCHIVES CIVILES. Located at the courthouses of the principal towns of the judicial districts of Quebec, these archives house documents from the last hundred years including the registers of births, deaths, and marriages, the minutiers or minute-books (greffes) of notaries, and records of surveyors who worked in the district; earlier documents are housed with ANQ.

ARCHIVES JUDICIAIRES. The new Archives judiciaires hold the records of the various courts: documents still current, roughly those of the past five years, are at the court-houses; non-current material from about the previous 25 years will be placed in one of the 13 centres now being organized by the Ministère de la Justice where some preliminary archival work will be undertaken; documents that are more than 30 years old will be placed in the regional repositories of the ANQ.

QUEBEC DIOCESAN ARCHIVES, Quebec. Early in the 20th century the Reverend H. C. Stuart began to assemble and organize the documents in this repository; the Reverend A. R. Kelley continued the work in the 1930s and 1940s. Part of this material is also held by the ANQ-Q and part by the Church Society of the Diocese of Quebec. The archives contains original records relating to the history of the Anglican diocese of Quebec from its founding in 1793; they include letters patent, registers of consecration, and bishops’ papers, correspondence relating to the parishes and to various associations and institutions of the diocese, and a large number of miscellaneous items. In addition it has copies of letters and documents concerning the diocese (1759–1864) that are held in England, and two important sections of printed primary sources. For a more complete description of this archives, see Kelley, “Quebec Diocesan Archives,” ANQ Rapport, 1946–47, 181–298 [section iii]; A. M. Awco*ck, “Catalogue of the Quebec Diocesan Archives” (copy available at the archives, Shawinigan, Que., 1973).

The following documents were used in the preparation of volume IV:

Section A: Letters patent and records of consecration of bishops, 1793–1935

45 (A-7), Copies of various letters patent, proclamations

Section B: Parishes of the Diocese of Quebec, 1793–1885

70 (B-24), Three Rivers

Section C: Correspondence of Right Reverend Jacob Mountain, 1792–1845

72 (C-1), 1792–96

73 (C-2), 1796–99

Section D: Copies of letters and papers referring to Diocese of Quebec, 1759–1864

82 (D-1), 1759–80

83 (D-2), 1781–88

84 (D-3), 1789–93


ARCHIVES DÉPARTEMENTALES. For lists of analytical inventories see: France. Direction des Archives, État des inventaires des archives nationales, départementales, communales et hospitalières au 1er janvier 1937 (Paris, 1938); Supplément, 1937–1954 [by R.-H. Bautier] (Paris, 1955); Catalogue des inventaires, répertoires, guides de recherche et autres instruments de travail des archives départementales, communales et hospitalières . . . à la date du 31 décembre 1961 (Paris, 1962). For copies of documents in the PAC see: General inventory manuscripts, 1. 87–99. There is a uniform system of classification for all departmental archives. A list of the various series may be found in DBC, II, 683–84.

Series cited in volume IV:

B: Cours et juridictions

C: Administrations provinciales (Intendances)

E: Titres de famille, états civils. notaires [États civils are often more complete in municipal archives.]

F: Fonds et collections divers

G: Clergé séculier


INSPECTION DU GÉNIE. The Dépôt des fortifications was, in 1791, placed under the Direction des officiers du Génie, and later the Comité technique du Génie. The governing authority is now the Inspection du Génie. There are two repositories:

Archives du Génie. Situated at the Château de Vincennes, this archives originally included 23 articles. A certain number have been turned over to other archives, notably article 9 (Colonies françaises), which is now in AN, Section Outre-mer, Dépôt des fortifications des colonies, and article 16 (Cartes), which has passed to the BN. There remain, however, several registres or cartons which contain information on former French colonies.

Used in the preparation of volume IV were the following:

Article 3: Personnel

Article 8: Places françaises

Article 14: Places étrangères: Amérique sep-

tentrionale, possessions anglaises, États-Unis, Louisbourg, île Royale . . .

Article 15: Histoire militaire, campagnes et sièges

Bibliothèque du Génie, 39 Rue de Bellechasse. The manuscript items held in the library are catalogued in France. Ministère de la Guerre, Catalogue général des manuscrits des bibliothèques publiques de France: bibliothèques de la Guerre (Paris, 1911).

Items used in the preparation of volume IV include:

mss in 4°, 66: Collection Lafitte (mémoires divers sur les sièges et campagnes)

mss in fol., 205b: “Registres des lettres écrites de rapport au service des fortifications de l’Isle Royale et du Canada.” 1750–55.

mss in fol., 210d: Mémoires et dessins: Canada et île Royale

SERVICE HISTORIQUE DE L’ARMÉE. Housed at the Château de Vincennes, the archives was, before 1919, referred to as the Archives de la Guerre. The archives’ organization is described in Madeleine Lenoir, “La documentation historique militaire en France,” Revue de défense nationale (Paris). numéro hors série (déc. 1952); J.-E. Roy, Rapport sur les archives de France [see section iii]. The archives consists of two collections, the historical archives and the administrative archives. A manuscript inventory is available at PAC: Louise Dechêne, “Inventaire analytique des documents relatifs à l’histoire du Canada conservés en France au Service historique de l’Armée.”

The following series from the two collections were used in the preparation of volume IV:

Archives historiques

A: Archives antérieures à 1789

A1: Correspondance générale, opérations militaires. Inventoried in France, Archives de la Guerre, Inventaire sommaire des archives historiques (archives anciennes: correspondance) . . . , Félix Brun, compil. (Paris, 1898–1930).

M: Mémoires historiques et reconnaissances militaires. Inventoried in Louis Tuetey,

Catalogue général des manuscrits des bibliothèques publiques de France: Archives de la Guerre (3v., Paris, 1912–20).

Archives administratives

X : Corps des troupes

Xb : Régiments d’infanterie

Y : Documents individuels

Yb : Contrôles “officiers.” Classified only for the years 1715–90

Yd : Dossiers individuels. Not vet classified

Y1d: Maréchaux de France

Y2d: Lieutenants-généraux

Y3d: Maréchaux de camp

Y4d: Brigadiers

Sub-series Xb, Yb, and Yd are inventoried in France, Archives de la Guerre, Inventaire des archives conservées au Service historique de l’État-major de l’Armée, château de Vincennes (archives modernes), M.-A. Fabre et al., édit. (2e éd., Paris, 1954).

ARCHIVES MUNICIPALES. Guides to inventories are noted above under Archives départementales. For copies of documents in the PAC see: General inventory manuscripts, 1. 100–2. There is a uniform system of classification for all municipal archives and a list of the pre-1790 series may be found in DCB, II, 684.

Series cited in volume IV:

CC: Impôts et comptabilités

DD: Biens communaux

GG: Cultes, instruction et assistance

ARCHIVES NATIONALES, Paris. The basic inventories of the Archives nationales are: France, Direction des Archives, Inventaire sommaire et tableau méthodique des fonds conservés aux Archives nationales, 1re partie, régime antérieur à 1789 (Paris, 1871); État sommaire par séries des documents conservés aux Archives nationales (Paris, 1891); Catalogue des manuscrits conservés aux Archives nationales (Paris, 1892). Guides to finding aids are: France, Direction des Archives, État des inventaires des archives nationales, départementales, communales et hospitalières au 1er janvier 1937 (Paris, 1938), and Supplément, 1937–1954 [by R.-H. Bautier] (Paris, 1955); Gilles Héon, “Fonds intéressant le Canada conservés en France: quelques instruments de recherche,” Archives, 73–1 (Québec), 40–50. J.-E. Roy, Rapport sur les archives de France [see section iii], and H. P. Beers, The French in North America: a bibliographical guide to French archives, reproductions, and research missions (Baton Rouge, La., 1957), give sketches of the history and organization of the archives. For copies in the PAC of documents in the AN see: General inventory manuscripts, 1, 5–48.

The basic classification of the AN is as follows:

I: Section ancienne (which includes the Fonds des Colonies and the Fonds de la Marine)

II: Service des Sceaux

III: Section moderne

IV: Section contemporaine

V: Section Outre-mer

VI: Département des activités scientifiques, culturelles, et techniques

The following material from sections i, v, and vi was used in the preparation of volume IV:

I: Section ancienne

T: Séquestre

V1: Grande chancellerie

Y: Châtelet de Paris

Fonds des Colonies. For a description of the series and sub-series see: Étienne Taillemite, “Les archives des colonies françaises aux Archives nationales,” Gazette des Archives (Paris), XLVI (1964), 93–116.

A: Actes du pouvoir souverain, 1669–1782

B: Correspondance envoyée, 1663–1815. For the 17th and 18th centuries see the following calendars: Étienne Taillemite, Inventaire analytique de la correspondance générale avec les colonies, départ, série B (déposée aux Archives nationales), I, registres 1 à 37 (1654–1715) (Paris, 1959), and PAC Report, 1899, supp.. 245–548; 1904, app.K, 1–312; 1905, I, pt. vi, 3–446.

C: Correspondance générale, lettres reçues

C4: Île de France, 1714–1810

C8A: Martinique, 1663–1815. For an analysis of this series see: Étienne Taillemite, Inventaire de la série Colonies C8A, Martinique (correspondance à l’arrivée) (2v., Paris, 1967–71). [Articles 1 to 121.]

C9A: Saint-Domingue, 1664–1789

C11A: Canada, 1458–1784. A calendar of documents is published in PAC Report, 1885, xxix–lxxix; 1886, xxxix–cl; 1887, cxl–ccxxxix. See also: Parker, Guide, 227ff. [see section iii]. An unpublished index for this series exists at the PAC.

C11B: Île Royale, 1712–62. Volumes 1–38 are calendared in Parker, Guide, 241–45, and PAC Report, 1887, cclxxxii–cccxciv.

C11C: Amérique du Nord, 1661–1898. Papers concerning Newfoundland, Îles de la Madeleine, Île Royale, and Gaspé. Calendared in Parker, Guide, 246, and PAC Report, 1887, cccxiv–cccxcviii. An unpublished index to C11B and C11C is available at the Fortress of Louisbourg and on microfilm at the PAC.

C11D: Acadie, 1603–1788. Calendared in Parker, Guide, 238–40, and PAC Report, 1887, ccxxxix–cclxiii. The CEA published in 1975 an Index des noms propres avec un choix de thèmes, compiled by Noël Dupuis and Valéda Melanson.

C11E: Canada, divers, 1651–1818. Letters etc.

dealing with boundary disputes. Calendared in Parker, Guide, 240–41, and PAC Report, 1887, cclxiii–cclxxxii.

C12: Saint-Pierre et Miquelon, 1763–1819

C13A: Louisiane, 1678–1803

C13B: Louisiane, 1699–1803

C13C: Louisiane, 1673–1782

C14: Guyane

D1: Correspondance relative aux troupes des colonies

D2C: Troupes des colonies, 1627–1885. Selected volumes are calendared in PAC Report, 1905, I,, 508–18.

D2D: Personnel militaire et civil, 1685–1789

E: Personnel individuel

F1A: Fonds des colonies, 1670–1789. Financial documents.

F2A: Compagnies de commerce, 1623–1773

F2B: Commerce des colonies, 1663–1790

F2C: Colonies en général, 1704–89

F3: Collection Moreau de Saint-Méry, 1540–1806. Papers relating to Canada, Louisiana, Île Royale, Saint-Pierre, and Miquelon have been copied and microfilmed by the PAC. Calendared in PAC Report, 1899, supp., 39–191; 1905, I,, 447–505; Parker, Guide, 249–53.

F5B: Passagers

Fonds de la Marine. The material in the Fonds extends to 1870. For descriptions of the archives see: Didier Neuville, État sommaire des Archives de la Marine antérieures à la Révolution (Paris, 1898); J.-E. Roy, Rapport sur les archives de France, 157–243; Étienne Taillemite, Les archives anciennes de la Marine (Paris, [1961]).

B: Service général. Inventoried in Didier Neuville et al., Inventaire des Archives de la Marine, série B: service général (8v., Paris. 1885–1963).

B2: Correspondance, lettres envoyées, 1662–1789

B3: Correspondance, lettres reçues, 1660–1789. For a name and subject index to this and the preceding sub-series see: Étienne Taillemite et al., Tables des noms de lieux, de personnes, de matières et de navires (sous-séries B1, B2 et B3) (Paris, 1969).

B4: Campagnes, 1640–1789

C1: Officiers militaires de la Marine, 1400–1789

C2: Officiers civils de la Marine, 1663–1770

C7: Personnel individuel, 1651–1789

Service central hydrographique

3 JJ: Journaux, mémoires, correspondance, 1679–1849

4 JJ: Journaux de bord, [1594]–1789, 1815–71.

For an analysis of this sub-series see:

Georges Bourgin et Étienne Taillemite, Inventaire des Archives de la Marine, service hydrographique, sous-série 4 JJ (journaux de bord) . . . (Paris, 1963).

6 JJ: Cartes

V: Section Outre-mer. The Section Outre-mer came into being on 1 Jan. 1961 when the Ministère de la France d’Outre-mer ceased to exist. This section preserves post-1815 documents relating to the colonies; pre-1815 material remains in the Section ancienne as the Fonds des Colonies [q.v.]. Two important series dealing with the earlier period are, however, to be found in the Section Outre-mer and were of use in the preparation of volume IV.

Dépôt des fortifications des colonies. Series Amérique septentrionale and Saint-Pierre et Miquelon were used in the preparation of volume IV. A manuscript inventory of the various series is available at the AN. See: PAC Report, 1905, 1, pt.iii, 3–43; J.-E. Roy, Rapport sur les archives de France, 535–59.

G: Dépôt des papiers publics des colonies

G1: Registres d’état civil, recensem*nts et documents divers

G2: Greffes des tribunaux

G3: Notariat

VI: Département des activités scientifiques, culturelles, et techniques

Minutier central des notaires de Paris et du département de la Seine

BIBLIOTHÈQUE DE L’ARSENAL, Paris. For a brief description of the Bibliothèque de l’Arsenal see: J.-E. Roy, Rapport sur les archives de France [see section iii]; W. G. Leland et al., Guide to materials for American history in the libraries and archives of Paris . . . (2v., Washington, 1932–43), I: Libraries. See also: H.-M.-R. Martin and Frantz Funck-Brentano, Catalogue des manuscrits de la Bibliothèque de l’Arsenal (9v., Paris, 1885–99). Volume IX by F. Funck-Brentano includes a history and inventory of the Archives de la Bastille. Supplements have been published in Catalogue général des manuscrits des bibliothèques publiques de France (Paris), XLIII (1904), XLV (1915). Copies of documents in the PAC are listed in General inventory manuscripts, 1, and a more up-to-date inventory is available at the archives.

The following material was used in the preparation of volume IV:

5768–69: Papiers du comte d’Argenson, 1756–62 Archives de la Bastille

12110–68: Affaire du Canada, 1761–72

12200, 12480: Affaire de l’île Royale, 1758–66

12324: Affaire des colonies de la Guyane, 1767–74

12501–9: Affaire du Canada et Affaire de la

Louisiane, 1760–66

BIBLIOTHÈQUE NATIONALE, Paris. The Bibliothèque nationale is divided into departments on the basis of the nature of the documents kept: Cartes et plans, Estampes, Imprimés, Manuscrits, Médailles, Musique, Périodiques. For biographical research on Canada the most important is the manuscript department, consisting of documents classified by language as well as independent collections. The French manuscripts are the most numerous and are divided among the Fonds français (Fr.), the Nouvelles acquisitions françaises (NAF), and the Clairambault, Colbert (Cinq-cents and Mélanges), Joly de Fleury, and Moreau collections. For a description of the BN see: J.-E. Roy, Rapport sur les archives de France [see section iii]; W. G. Leland et al., Guide to materials for American history in the libraries and archives of Paris . . . (2v., Washington, 1932–43), I: Libraries. See also the following catalogues to the French manuscripts (alphabetical indexes are available): J.-A. Taschereau et al.. Catalogue des manuscrits français (5v., Paris, 1868–1902) [Fr. 1-6170]; H.-A. Omont et al., Catalogue général des manuscrits français (13v., Paris, 1895–1918) [Fr. 6171-33264; NAF 1-11353, 20001-2811]; BN, Dép. des mss, Nouvelles acquisitions françaises, 1946–1957 (Paris, 1967) [NAF 13005-4061, 24219-5100]; Auguste Molinier, Inventaire sommaire de la collection Joly de Fleury (Paris, 1881). For other guides and catalogues see: Les catalogues imprimés de la Bibliothèque nationale: liste établie en 1943 suivie d’un supplément (1944–1952) (Paris, 1953); Catalogues et publications en vente (Paris, 1973; nouv. éd., 1978). A revised guide to the catalogues is under way: Les catalogues du département des Imprimés appeared in 1970; Les catalogues du département des Manuscrits: manuscrits occidentaux was published in 1974.


BRITISH LIBRARY, London. For a brief guide to catalogues of the manuscript collections see: T. C. Skeat, “The catalogues of the British Museum, 2: manuscripts,” Journal of Documentation (London), VII (1951), 18–60; revised as British Museum: the catalogues of the manu-

script collections (London, 1962). For copies of documents from the British Library in the PAC see: General inventory manuscripts, 3. Used in the preparation of volume IV were the Egerton and Additional manuscripts.

Add. mss 9913–14: Royal Artillery muster rolls, 1721–60

Add. mss 11813: Captain William Parry papers, 1747–61

Add. mss 17542–51: Log-books, journals and astronomical observations of the Discovery, Capt. Vancouver, and the Chatham, Lieut. Broughton, 1791–95

Add. mss 19069–70: Letters and papers of Paul Mascarene, commander-in-chief of Nova Scotia, 1713–57

Add. mss 19071–73, 19075–76: Papers relating to Nova Scotia collected by Dr Andrew Brown, 1720–91

Add. mss 21631–60: Henry Bouquet papers, 1757–65

Add. mss 21661–892: Official correspondence and papers of Sir Frederick Haldimand, 1758–85

Add. mss 23678: Narrative and remarks on the siege of Havana by Sir Charles Knowles in 1761 and 1762, includes journal of the siege by Patrick Mackellar

Add. mss 24323: Letters to John Blackburn from Sir William Johnson, Sir John Johnson, and Colonel Guy Johnson, 1770–80

Add. mss 32641: Journal of Archibald Menzies, surgeon, botanist on the Discovery, Dec. 1790–16 Feb. 1794

Add. mss 32686–992: Official correspondence of Thomas Pelham Holles, Duke of Newcastle, 1697–1768

Add. mss 33028–30: Papers relating to American and West Indian colonies which passed through the Duke of Newcastle’s hands, 1701–68 (with a few of later date)

Add. mss 33977–82: Letters addressed to Sir Joseph Banks, 1765–1821

Add. mss 35349–36278: Hardwicke papers

Add. mss 38190–489: Liverpool papers

Add. mss 41262–67: Clarkson papers

Egerton mss 2177–80: Papers relating to Captain James Cook’s 2nd and 3rd voyages and the publication of his journals, 1776–84 2591: Journal of David Samwell, surgeon of Discovery, in Captain Cook’s voyage to the Pacific, 10 Feb. 1776–29 Nov. 1779

NATIONAL MARITIME MUSEUM, London. The manuscript collection of the National Maritime Museum includes public records, business re-

cords, and private papers relating to all facets of naval and merchant shipping history and concentrating on the mid 17th to the 20th centuries. For further information see: Guide to the manuscripts in the National Maritime Museum, volume 1: the personal collections, ed. R. J. B. Knight ([London], 1977). Volume II, describing the rest of the collection, “Public records, business records and artificial collections” is in preparation and will be published in 1980.

The following materials have been used in the preparation of volume IV: Public records

ADM: Admiralty Board

ADM/L: Lieutenants logs, 1678–1809

HAL: Halifax Dockyard records

Personal collections

CAL: Caldwell papers

SAN: Sandwich papers

Artificial collections

HIS: History and Biography

JOD: Journals and Diaries

RUSI: Royal United Services Institution

PUBLICRECORD OFFICE, London. For an introduction to the contents and arrangements of this archives see Guide to the contents of the Public Record Office (3v., London, 1963–68). For copies of PRO documents available at the PAC see General inventory manuscripts, 2.

Materials cited in volume IV include:


Accounting departments

Ship’s musters

Adm. 36: Series I, 1688–1808

Admiralty and Secretariat

Adm. 1: Papers, 1660–1962

Adm. 2: Out-letters, 1656–1859

Adm. 3: Minutes, 1657–1881

Registers, returns and certificates

Adm. 6: Various, 1673–1859

Adm. 7: Miscellanea, 1563–1871

Adm. 8: List books, 1673–1893

Log books

Adm. 50: Admirals’ journals, 1702–1916

Adm. 51: Captains’ logs, 1669–1852

Adm. 52: Masters’ logs, 1672–1840

Adm. 53: Ships’ logs, 1799–1952

Adm. 55: Supplementary, series ii: explorations, 1757–1861

Greenwich Hospital

Adm. 80: Various, 1639–1957

Navy Board

Adm. 106: Navy Board records, 1659–1837

Adm. 107: Passing certificates, 1691–1848

Colonial Office. [See R. B. Pugh, The records of

the Colonial and Dominions offices (PRO handbooks, 3, London, 1964).]

America and West Indies

CO 5: Original correspondence, [1606]–1807


CO 42: Original correspondence, 1700–1922

CO 47: Miscellanea, 1764–1925


CO 142: Miscellanea, 1658–1945


CO 194: Original correspondence, 1696–1922

CO 195: Entry books, 1623–1867

CO 199: Miscellanea, 1677–1903

Nova Scotia and Cape Breton

CO 217: Original correspondence, 1710–1867

CO 218: Entry books, 1710–1867

CO 221: Miscellanea, 1730–1866

Prince Edward Island

CO 226: Original correspondence, 1769–1873

CO 227: Entry books, 1769–1872

Sierra Leone

CO 267: Original correspondence, 1664–1949

Colonies General

CO 323: Original correspondence, 1689–1952

CO 324: Entry books, series I, 1662–1872

Board of Trade

CO 388: Original correspondence, 1654–1792

CO 391: Minutes, 1675–1782

Court of Bankruptcy

B 4: Commisions, docket books (registers), 1710–1849

B 6: Registers, 1733–1925

Court of Chancery

Judicial proceedings (equity side)

C 108: Masters’ exhibits: Farrar, c. 1180–1845

Exchequer – King’s Remembrancer

E 190: Port books, 1565–1798

Exchequer and Audit Department

AO 1: Declared accounts, 1536–1828

AO 3: Accounts, various, 1539–1886

Claims, American loyalists

AO 12: Series I, 1776–1831

AO 13: Series II, 1780–1835

Foreign Office. [See Records of the Foreign Office, 1782–1939 (PRO handbooks, 13, 1969).]

FO 4: America, United States of, series I, 1782–92

High Court of Admiralty

Instance and prize courts

HCA 32: Prize papers, 1655–1855

Prerogative Court of Canterbury (formerly held at Somerset House)

Prob. 6: Act books: administrations, 1559–1858

Prob. 11: Registered copy, wills, 1384–1858

Privy Council Office

PC 2: Registers, 1540–1972

Public Record Office

Documents acquired by gift, deposit or purchase

PRO 30/8: Chatham papers, George II–George III

PRO 30/55: Carleton papers, 1747–83

State Paper Office


SP 41: Military, 1640–1782

SP 42: Naval, 1689–1782

SP 44: Entry books, 1661–1828

Board of Trade

BT 5: Minutes, 1784–1850

BT 6: Miscellanea, 1697–1921 Treasury

T 64: Various, 1547–1905

Treasury Solicitor

TS 11: Treasury solicitor and king’s proctor, papers, 1584–1856 War Office


WO 1: In-letters, 1732–1868


WO 12: Muster books and pay lists: general, 1732–1878

WO 17: Monthly returns, 1759–1865

WO 24: Establishments, 1661–1846

WO 25: Registers, various, 1660–1938

WO 28: Headquarters’ records, 1746–1901

Private collections

WO 34: Amherst papers, 1712–86

Ordnance Office

WO 44: In-letters, 1682–1873

WO 47: Minutes, 1644–1856

WO 55: Miscellanea, 1568–1923

Judge Advocate General’s Office

Courts martial

WO 71: Proceedings, 1668–1967

UNITED SOCIETY FOR THE PROPAGATION OF THE GOSPEL, London. For copies of documents from the USPG archives available in the PAC see General inventory, manuscripts, 3.

Documents from the following groups were used in preparing volume IV:

A: Contemporary copies of letters received, 1701–38

B: Original letters received from the American colonies, the West Indies, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, 1701–86

C/CAN: Unbound letters from Canada, 1752–1860. Letters from Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, and Quebec groupings used. Nominal card index is available at USPG. This section was subjected to reorganisation and reclassification (not completed), resulting in some confusion. Thus classifications used by Canadian authors holding microfilm of this section do not correspond to those of the archives itself.

Dr Bray’s Associates, minute books and unbound papers

Journal of proceedings of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel. Comprises bound and indexed volumes of the proceedings of the general meetings held in London from 1701, and four appendices, A, B, C, D (1701–1860).


DETROIT PUBLIC LIBRARY, Burton Historical Collection, Detroit, Mich. Founded on the private library of Clarence Monroe Burton, the collection concentrates on the history of Detroit and Michigan from the 17th century to the present. Its holdings are listed in The national union catalog of manuscript collections . . . (Ann Arbor and Washington, 1962– ).

Materials used in volume IV include:

Munro (John) papers

Navarre (Francis) papers

Navarre (Robert) papers

Pontiac papers, Journal ou dictation d’une conspiration faite par les sauvages contre les anglais, et du siege du Fort le Detroix, 1763.

Porteous (John) papers

Registres des baptêmes, mariages et sépultures de Sainte-Anne (Detroit, Mich.), 2 Feb. 1704–30 Dec. 1848. 5 vols. in 7. Manuscript copy.

Sterling (James) papers

HUNTINGTON LIBRARY, San Marino, Calif. The collections of the Huntington Library extend from the 11th to the 20th centuries. For materials relating to 18th century Canadian history see: Guide to American historical manuscripts at the Huntington Library (San Marino, 1979). See also S. M. Pargellis, “Loudoun papers: (a) Colonial, 1756–58,” and N. B. Cuthbert, “[Loudoun papers]: (b) French colonial, 1742–53,” Huntington Library Bull. (Cambridge, Mass.), 3 (1933), 97–103, 104–7.

Collections used in volume IV include:

Abercromby papers, 1674–1787

Brock collection, 1639–1800

Loudoun papers

English colonial manuscripts (personal and official papers of John Campbell, 4th Earl of Loudoun)

French colonial manuscripts (personal and official papers of Pierre de Rigaud de Vaudreuil de Cavagnial, Marquis de Vaudreuil). These papers have been catalogued as The Vaudreuil papers: a calendar and index of the personal and private records of Pierre de Rigaud de Vaudreuil, royal governor of the French province of Louisiana, 1743–1753, comp. Bill Barron (New Orleans, 1975).

MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY, Boston, Mass. About half the holdings of the society are manuscripts and transcriptions. For information about the collections see:S. T. Riley, The Massachusetts Historical Society, 1791–1959 (Boston, 1959); “The manuscript collections of the Massachusetts Historical Society: a brief listing,” M.H.S. Miscellany (Boston), 5 (December 1958); Catalog of manuscripts of the Massachusetts Historical Society (7v., Boston, 1969).

The following collections were used in the preparation of volume IV:

Andrews-Eliot papers

Belknap papers

Gay collection

Mascarene papers

Thomas Hanco*ck papers

Jeffries family papers

Knox papers

Louisbourg papers

Parkman collection

St John’s Society collection

Waldo papers

Wheelwright family papers

Winslow papers

WILLIAM L. CLEMENTS LIBRARY, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. The manuscript collections of the Clements Library are concentrated in the years 1740 to 1865. A large number of these collections concern Anglo-American politics in the mid 18th and early 19th centuries. The manuscripts are catalogued. Brief descriptions appear in The national union catalog of manuscript collections . . . (Ann Arbor and Washington, 1962– ), and Guide to the manuscript collections in the William L. Clements Library, comp. A. P. Shy and B. A. Mitchell (3rd ed., Boston, 1978).

The following were consulted in the preparation of volume IV:

Sir Henry Clinton papers, 1750–1812

Thomas Gage papers, 1754–83

George Sackville Germain, Viscount Sackville, papers, 1683–1785

Josiah Harmar papers, 1681–1855

Jehu Hay diary, 1763–65

William Petty, Earl of Shelburne, papers, 1663–1797

Robert Rogers papers, 1759–1832

James Sterling letterbook, 1761–65

Sydney family papers, 1685–1829

Sir John Vaughan papers, 1779–81




American archives: consisting of a collection of authentick records, state papers, debates, and letters and other notices of publick affairs, the whole forming a documentary history of the origin and progress of the North American colonies. . . . Compiled by Matthew St Clair Clarke and Peter Force. 2 ser. in 9 vols. Washington, 1837–53; reprinted [New York, 1972]. Six series covering the years 1688–1787 were projected but only the 4th and part of the 5th series appeared, covering the years 1774–76.

[AMHERST, JEFFERY.] The journal of Jeffery Amherst, recording the military career of Gen-

eral Amherst in America from 1758 to 1763. Edited by John Clarence Webster. Toronto and Chicago, [1931].



I: Papiers Contrecœur (Grenier).

II: Le séminaire de Québec (Provost).


PUBLICATIONS [see also section iii]

Inv. de pièces du Labrador (P.-G. Roy).

Inv. des papiers de Lery (P.-G. Roy).

Lettres de noblesse (P.-G. Roy).

Rapport. 53 vols. 1920/21–75. There is an index to the contents of the first 42 volumes: Table des matières des rapports des Archives du Québec, tomes 1 à 42 (1920–1964) ([Québec], 1965).


Report. 22 vols. 1903–33.

Atlas de la Nouvelle-France/An atlas of New France. Marcel Trudel, compilateur. [Édition révisée.] [Quebec], 1968.

BÉGON. See La Morandière

[BOUGAINVILLE, LOUIS-ANTOINE DE.] Adventure in the wilderness: the American journals of Louis Antoine de Bougainville, 1756–1760. Translated and edited by Edward Pierce Hamilton. Norman, Okla., [1964].

—— “Le journal de M. de Bougainville,” A.[-E.] Gosselin, édit., ANQ Rapport, 1923–24, 202–393.

Les bourgeois de la compagnie du Nord-Ouest: récits de voyages, lettres et rapports inédits relatifs au Nord-Ouest canadien. Louis [François-] Rodrigue Masson, éditeur. 2 vols. Québec, 1889–90; réimprimé New York, 1960.

CENSUSES. See Recensem*nts



50 vols. to date, exclusive of the Hudson’s Bay Company series [see HBRS], the Ontario series [q.v.], and the unnumbered series. Issued only to elected members of the society, limited in number.

III: Docs. relating to seigniorial tenure (Munro).

VI: Hearne, Journey from Prince of Wales’s Fort (Tyrrell).

VIII–X: Knox, Hist. journal (Doughty).

XVI: Journals and letters of La Vérendrye (Burpee).

XXI: Journals of Hearne and Turnor (Tyrrell).

XXII Docs. relating to NWC (Wallace).

XXIX: Perkins, Diary, 1766–80 (Innis).

XXXVI: Perkins, Diary, 1780–89 (Harvey and Fergusson).

XXXIX: Perkins, Diary, 1790–96 (Fergusson).

XLIII: Perkins, Diary, 1797–1803 (Fergusson).

L: Perkins, Diary, 1804–12 (Fergusson).


10 vols. to date. Available through normal publishing channels.

II: Royal Fort Frontenac (Preston and Lamontagne).

III: Kingston before War of 1812 (Preston).

Charts & views drawn by Cook and his officers . . . Edited by Raleigh Ashlin Skelton. (Hakluyt Society publication.) Cambridge, Eng., 1955.

Collection de documents inédits sur le Canada et I’Amérique. [Henri-Raymond Casgrain, éditeur.] 3 vols. Quebec, 1888–90. Published as a supplement to the journal Le Canada français (Québec), 1re sér., I–III.

Collection de manuscrits contenant lettres,

mémoires, et autres documents historiques relatifs à la Nouvelle-France. . . . 4 vols. Quebec, 1883–85.

Collection des manuscrits du maréchal de Levis. Henri-Raymond Casgrain, éditeur. 12 vols. Quebec, 1889–95.

A collection of several commissions, and other public instruments, proceeding from his majesty’s royal authority, and other papers, relating to the state of the province in Quebec in North America, since the conquest of it by the British arms in 1760. Compiled by Francis Maseres. London, 1772; reprinted [East Ardsley, Eng., and New York], 1966.

[Colonial records of Pennsylvania.] Edited by Samuel Hazard. 16 vols. Harrisburg, Pa., 1838–53; vols. I–III reprinted Philadelphia, 1852. Colonial records is the official title, though not used in printing; vols. I–X are Minutes of the provincial council of Pennsylvania, from the organization to the termination of the proprietary government [1683–1775]. This collection of documents is supplemented by Pa. archives (Hazard et al.) [q.v.].

The correspondence of General Thomas Gage with the secretaries of state, 1763–1775. Edited by Clarence Edwin Carter. 2 vols. New Haven. Conn., and London, 1931–33; reprinted [Hamden, Conn.], 1969.

The correspondence of Lieut. Governor John Graves Simcoe, with allied documents relating to his administration of the government of Upper Canada. Edited by Ernest Alexander Cruikshank. (Ontario Historical Society publication.) 5 vols. Toronto, 1923–31.

Correspondence of William Pitt, when secretary of state, with colonial governors and military and naval commissioners in America. Edited by Gertrude Selwyn Kimball. 2 vols. New York and London. 1906.

Correspondence of William Shirley, governor of Massachusetts and military commander in America, 1731–1760. Edited by Charles Henry Lincoln. 2 vols. New York, 1912.

Les derniers jours de l’Acadie (1748–1758), correspondances et mémoires: extraits du portefeuille de M. Le Courtois de Surlaville, lieutenant-général des armées du roi, ancien major des troupes de l’île Royale. Gaston Du Boscq de Beaumont, éditeur. Paris, 1899.



I, II: John Askin papers (Quaife).

Documentary history of the state of Maine. Edited by William Willis et al. (Maine Historical Society publication.) 24 vols. Portland, Maine, and Cambridge, Mass.. 1869–1916.

Documents relatifs à l’histoire constitutionnelle du Canada. . . . Adam Shortt et al., éditeurs. (PAC publication.) 3 vols. Ottawa, 1907–35.

[I]: 1759–1791. Adam Shortt et Arthur George Doughty, éditeurs. 2e édition. (PAC, Board of historical publications.) 2 vols. 1921.

[II]: 1791–1818. Arthur George Doughty et Duncan A. McArthur, éditeurs.

Documents relating to Canadian currency, exchange and, finance during the French period/Documents relatifs à la monnaie, au change et aux finances du Canada sous le Régime français. Edited by Adam Shortt. (PAC, Board of historical publications.) 2 vols. Ottawa, 1925.

Documents relating to currency, exchange and finance in Nova Scotia, with prefatory documents, 1675–1758. Edited by Adam Shortt et al. (PAC, Board of historical publications.) Ottawa, 1933.

Documents relating to the constitutional history of Canada. . . . Edited by Adam Shortt et al. (PAC publication.) 3 vols. Ottawa, 1907–35.

[I]: 1759–1791. Edited by Adam Shortt and Arthur George Doughty. 2nd edition. (PAC, Board of historical publications.) 2 vols. 1918.

[II]: 1791–1818. Edited by Arthur George Doughty and Duncan A. McArthur.

Documents relating to the North West Company. Edited by William Stewart Wallace. (Champlain Society publications, XXII.) Toronto, 1934.

Documents relating to the seigniorial tenure in Canada, 1598–1854. Edited by William Bennett Munro. (Champlain Society publications, III.) Toronto, 1908.

Documents relative to the colonial history of the state of New-York; procured in Holland, England and France, by John Romeyn Brodhead. . . . Edited by Edmund Bailey O’Callaghan and Berthold Fernow. 15 vols. Albany, N.Y., 1853–87.

[DOREIL, ANDRÉ.] “Lettres de Doreil,” Antoine Roy, édit., ANQ Rapport, 1944–45, 3–171.

Édits, ordonnances royaux, déclarations et arrêts du Conseil d’état du roi concernant le Canada. [2e édition.] 3 vols. Québec, 1854–56. Title varies. [II]: Arrêts et règlements du Conseil supérieur de Québec, et ordonnances et jugements des intendants du Canada; [III]: Complément des ordonnances et jugements des gouverneurs et intendants du Canada, précédé des commissions des dits gouverneurs et intendants et des différents officiers civils et de justice. . . . A revision and expansion of a two-volume edition published in Quebec in 1803–6.

Extraits des archives des ministères de la Marine et de la Guerre à Paris; Canada, correspondance générale: MM. Duquesne et Vaudreuil, gouverneurs-généraux, 1755–1760. Henri-Raymond Casgrain, éditeur. Québec, 1890. Only correspondence for the year 1755 is included.

[FABRE, DIT LATERRIÈRE, PIERRE.] Mémoires de Pierre de Sales Laterrière et de ses traverses. [Alfred Garneau, éditeur.] Québec, 1873.

Gentleman’s Magazine. London. 1731–1907. Monthly.

GREAT BRITAIN, BOARD OF TRADE. Journal of the commissioners for Trade and Plantations . . . [1704–82]. 14 vols. London, 1920–38.

—— HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS COMMISSION. Report on American manuscripts in the Royal Institution of Great Britain. [Compiled by Benjamin Franklin Stevens, edited by H. J. Brown.] 4 vols. London, etc., 1904–9.

—— PRIVY COUNCIL. Acts of the Privy Council of England: colonial series [1613–1783].

Edited by William Lawson Grant and James Munro. 6 vols. Hereford and London, 1908–12.



XXXIV–XXXVII: Journals of Captain James Cook (Beaglehole et al.).


Charts & views drawn by Cook and his officers (Skelton).

HEARNE, SAMUEL. A journey from Prince of Wales’s Fort, in Hudson’s Bay, to the Northern Ocean . . . in the years 1769, 1770, 1771, & 1772. London, 1795; reprinted Edmonton, [1971]. New edition. Edited by Joseph Burr Tyrrell. (Champlain Society publications, VI.) Toronto, 1911; reprinted New York, 1968. Another edition. Edited by Richard [Gilchrist] Glover. Toronto, 1958; reprinted, [1972] .

HENRY, ALEXANDER. Travels and adventures in Canada and the Indian territories, between the years 1760 and 1776. New York, 1809. New edition. Edited by James Bain. Toronto, 1901; reprinted Edmonton, [1969], and St Clair Shores, Mich.. 1972. Part i of the original has also been published as Attack at Michilimackinac . . . , ed. D. A. Armour (Mackinac Island, Mich., 1971).



31 vols. to date. General editor for vols. I–XXII, EdwinErnest Rich; vols. XXIII–XXV, Kenneth Gordon Davies; vols. XXVI–XXX, Glyndwr Williams; vols. XXXI– , Hartwell Bowsfield. Vols. I–XII

were issued in association with the Champlain Society [q.v.] and reprinted in 1968 in Nendeln, Liechtenstein.

XIV, XV: Cumberland House journals and inland journal, 1775–82. Edited by Edwin Ernest Rich with Alice Margaret Johnson. 2 vols. London, 1951–52.

XXI, XXII Rich, History of HBC [see section iv].

XXVII: [Graham, Andrew.] Andrew Graham’s observations on Hudson’s Bay, 1767–91. Edited by Glyndwr Williams, introduction by Richard [Gilchrist] Glover. London, 1969.

Invasion du Canada. [Hospice-Anthelme-Jean-Baptiste] Verreau, éditeur. Montreal, 1873. A collection of five pamphlets originally issued separately between 1870 and 1872. Further volumes were projected but only one additional pamphlet appeared. See Bibliography of Canadiana (Staton and Tremaine) [section iii].

Inventaire de pièces sur la côte de Labrador conservées aux Archives de la province de Quebec. Pierre-Georges Roy, éditeur. (ANQ publication.) 2 vols. Québec, 1940–42.

Inventaire des papiers de Léry conservés aux Archives de la province de Québec. Pierre-Georges Roy, éditeur. (ANQ publication.) 3 vols. Québec, 1939–40.

The Jesuit relations and allied documents: travels and explorations of the Jesuit missionaries in New France, 1610–1791, the original French, Latin, and Italian texts, with English translations and notes. . . . Edited by Reuben Gold Thwaites. 73 vols. Cleveland, Ohio, 1896–1901.

The John Askin Papers. Edited by Milo Milton Quaife. (DPL, Burton historical records, I, II.) 2 vols. Detroit, 1928–31.

Johnson papers (Sullivan et al.). See The papers of Sir William Johnson.

“Journal du siège de Québec du 10 mai au 18 septembre 1759,” Ægidius Fauteux, édit., ANQ Rapport, 1920–21, 140–241. Published separately under the same title in Quebec in 1922.

Journal and letters of Pierre Gaultier de Varennes de La Vérendrye and his sons, with correspondence between the governors of Canada and the French court, touching the search for the Western Sea. [Translated by William Dawson Le Sueur], edited by Lawrence Johnstone Burpee. (Champlain Society publications, XVI.) Toronto, 1927.

The journals of Captain James Cook on his voyages of discovery. Edited by John Cawte Beaglehole et al. (Hakluyt Society, Works,

extra series, XXXIV–XXXVII.) 4 vols. in 5. Cambridge, Eng., and London, 1955–74. For portfolio see: Charts & views . . . .

Journals of Samuel Hearne and Philip Turnor. Edited by Joseph Burr Tyrrell. (Champlain Society publications, XXI) Toronto, 1934; reprinted New York, 1968.

Kingston before the War of 1812: a collection of documents. Edited by Richard Arthur Preston. (Champlain Society publications, Ontario series, III.) Toronto, 1959.

KNOX, JOHN. An historical journal of the campaigns in North-America, for the years 1757, 1758, 1759, and 1760. . . . 2 vols. London, 1769. [New edition.] Edited by Arthur George Doughty. (Champlain Society publications, VIII–X.)3 vols. Toronto, 1914–16; reprinted New York, 1968.

[LA RUE, PIERRE DE.] “Lettres et mémoires de l’abbé de L’Isle-Dieu,” ANQ Rapport, 1935–36, 275–410; 1936–37, 331–459; 1937–38, 147–253.


Lettres de noblesse, généalogies, érections de comtés et baronnies insinuées par le Conseil souverain de la Nouvelle-France. Pierre-Georges Roy, éditeur. (ANQ publication.) 2 vois. Beauceville, Qué., 1920.



Historical Documents. 9 series in 12 vols. 1838–1915. The volumes were later numbered consecutively by the society D.1, D.2, etc., irrespective of the fact that the 1st series contains 4 vols. and the remaining 8 series only 1 vol. each.

[D.1]: Mémoires sur le Canada, depuis 1749 jusqu’à 1760.

[D.4]: Mémoire du sieur de Ramezay.

Transactions. [1st series.] 5 vols. 1824/29–1861/62. New series. 30 vols. 1862/63–1924.

As a guide to contents see: Index to the archival publications . . . 1824–1924 (1923); Index of the lectures, papers and historical documents published by the Literary and Historical Society of Quebec . . . together with a list of unpublished papers read before the society [1829–1927], comp. F. C. Würtele and J. W. Strachan (1927).


Documentary history of Maine (Willis et al.).

Mandements, lettres pastorales et circulaires des évêques de Québec.18 vols. to date. Québec,

1887–19 . The first six volumes were edited by Henri Têtu and Charles-Octave Gagnon; no editors are given for later volumes. Volume numbering is peculiar: [1re série], I–IV; nouvelle [2e] série, I–V; nouvelle [3e] série, I–III; a second set of cumulative volume numbers begins with vol. V of the 2nd series and is the only volume numbering found after vol. III of the 3rd series.

[MASERES, FRANCIS.] The Maseres letters, 1766–1768. Edited by William Stewart Wallace. Toronto, 1919.



Collections. 7 series of 10 vols. each and 11 additional vols. to date. 1792–19

79: voyages of “Columbia” (Howay).

Proceedings. 3 series of 20 vols. each, index vols. for each series, and 29 additional vols. to date. 1859–19

Shipton, Sibley’s Harvard graduates [see section iii].

As a guide to contents and indexes see: Handbook of the publications and photostats, 1792–1935 ([2nd ed.], 1937).

[MEARES, JOHN.] Voyages made in the years 1788 and 1789, from China to the north west coast of America. . . . [Compiled by William Combe.] London, 1790; reprinted Amsterdam and New York, [1967].

“Mémoire du Canada,” ANQ Rapport, 1924–25, 96–198.

Mémoire du sieur de Ramezay, commandant à Québec, au sujet de la reddition de cette ville, le 18 septembre 1759. . . .(Literary and Historical Society of Quebec, Historical Documents, 1st series, [D.4].) Quebec, 1861. The “Mémoire du sieur de Ramezay” with accompanying documents forms the second part of the compilation.

Mémoires sur le Canada, depuis 1749 jusqu’à 1760. . . . (Literary and Historical Society of Quebec, Historical Documents, 1st series, [D. 1].) Québec, 1838; réimprimé, 1873.

Michigan Pioneer Collections. Lansing. 40 vols. 1874/76–1929. To avoid confusion the Michigan Historical Commission, Department of State, Lansing, has standardized the citation for these volumes, which were originally published by various historical agencies and under various titles. Volumes are traditionally cited by their spine dates. The following were particularly useful for volume IV:

IX–XI: containing “The Haldimand papers.” 1886–87.

XIX: containing “Bouquet papers,” “Haldimand papers.” 1891.

XX: containing “Haldimand papers,” “Indian affairs.” 1892.

An Index has been published for vols. I–XV (1904) and vols. XVI–XXX (1907); an index to vols. I–XXXIX appears in vol. XXXIX.

Military affairs in North America, 1748–1765: selected documents from the Cumberland papers in Windsor Castle. Edited by Stanley [McCrory] Pargellis. New York and London, [1936]; reprinted [Hamden, Conn.], 1969.

Military operations in eastern Maine and Nova Scotia during the revolution, chiefly compiled from the journals and letters of Colonel John Allan, with notes and a memoir of Col. John Allan. Edited by Frederic Kidder. Albany, N. Y., 1867.



Collections. 12 nos. in 4 vols. and 9 additional nos. to date. 1894/97–19



Collections. [1st series.] 5 vols. 1809–30. 2nd series. 4 vols. 1841–59. [3rd series.] 85 vols. to date, 1868–19

NOVA SCOTIA, HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY, Journal (Halifax), 1760–19. The journals for 1758–60 remain in manuscript form. The originals are in the Legislative Library of N.S. (Halifax); a contemporary copy is available at PANS. Title varies. SeeO. B. Bishop, Publications of the governments of Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick, 1758–1952 (Ottawa, 1957).

[Nova Scotia Archives, I:] Selections from the public documents of the province of Nova Scotia. Edited by Thomas Beamish Akins, translations by Benjamin Curren. (PANS publication.) Halifax, 1869.

—— II: A calendar of two letter-books and one commission-book in the possession of the government of Nova Scotia, 1713–1741. Edited by Archibald McKellar MacMechan. (PANS publication.) Halifax, 1900.

—— III: Original minutes of his majesty’s council at Annapolis Royal, 1720–1739. Edited by Archibald McKellar MacMechan. (PANS publication.) Halifax, 1908.

—— IV: Minutes of his majesty’s council at Annapolis Royal, 1736–1749. Edited by Charles Bruce Fergusson. (PANS publication.) Halifax, 1967.



Correspondence of Lieut. Governor Simcoe (Cruikshank).

The papers of Sir William Johnson. Edited by James Sullivan et al. 14 vols. Albany, N.Y., 1921–65.

Papiers Contrecœur et autres documents concernant le conflit anglo français sur l’Ohio de 1745 à 1756. Fernand Grenier, éditeur. (ASQ publication, 1.) Québec, 1952.

Pennsylvania archives. . . . Edited by Samuel Hazard et al. 9 series in 119 vols. Philadelphia and Harrisburg, Pa., 1852–1935. This collection of documents is supplemented by Colonial records of Pa. (Hazard) [q.v.]. As a guide to contents and indexes see: H. H. Eddy, Guide to the published archives of Pennsylvania, covering the 138 volumes of colonial records and Pennsylvania archives, series I–IX (Harrisburg, 1949).

[PERKINS, SIMEON.] The diary of Simeon Perkins. . . . Edited by Harold Adams Innis et al. (Champlain Society publications, XXIX, XXXVI, XXXIX, XLIII, L.) 5 vols. Toronto, 1948–78.

[I]: 1766–1780. Edited by Harold Adams Innis.

[II]: 1780–1789. Edited by Daniel Cobb Harvey with notes by Charles Bruce Fergusson.

[III]: 1790–1796; [IV]: 1797–1803; [V]: 1804–1812. Edited by Charles Bruce Fergusson.



Doc. relatifs à la monnaie sous le Régime français (Shortt).

Doc. relatifs à l’hist. constitutionnelle, 1759–91 (Shortt et Doughty; 1921).

Docs. relating to Canadian currency during the French period (Shortt).

Docs. relating to constitutional history, 1759–91 (Shortt and Doughty; 1918).

Docs. relating to currency in N.S., 1675–1758 (Shortt et al.).


OTHER PUBLICATIONS [see also section iii]

Doc. relatifs à l’hist. constitutionnelle, 1791–1818 (Doughty et McArthur).

Docs. relating to constitutional history, 1791–1818 (Doughty and McArthur).

Reports; Rapports. 1881–19 . Annually until 1952; irregularly thereafter.


PUBLICATIONS [see also section iii]

N.S. Archives, I (Akins).

N.S. Archives, II (MacMechan).

N.S. Archives, III (MacMechan).

N.S. Archives, IV (Fergusson).



1716: Recensem*nt de la ville de Québec pour

1716. Louis Beaudet, éditeur. Québec, 1887.

1741: “Un recensem*nt inédit de Montréal, en 1741,” É.-Z. Massicotte, édit., RSC Trans., 3rd ser., XV (1921), sect.i, 1–61.

1744: “Le recensem*nt de Québec, en 1744,” ANQ Rapport, 1939–40, 3–154.


1760: “Recensem*nt des habitants de la ville et gouvernement des Trois-Rivières tel qu’il a été pris au mois de septembre mil sept cent soixante,” ANQ Rapport, 1946–47, 5–53. Includes not only the census of 1760 but demographic information up to 1763.

1762: “Le recensem*nt du gouvernement de Québec en 1762,” A.[-E.] Gosselin, édit., ANQ Rapport, 1925–26, 2–143.

1765: “Le recensem*nt des gouvernements de Montréal et des Trois-Rivières,” ANQ Rapport, 1936–37, 2–121.

1779: “Recensem*nt de Détroit, 1779,” Lucien Brault, édit., RHAF, V (1951–52), 581–85.

[ROCBERT DE LA MORANDIÈRE, MARIE-ÉLISABETH.] “Correspondance de Madame Bégon, née Rocbert de La Morandière,” Claude de Bonnault, édit., ANQ Rapport, 1934–35, 5–277.

Royal Fort Frontenac. Compiled and translated by Richard Arthur Preston, edited by Léopold Lamontagne. (Champlain Society publications, Ontario series, II.) Toronto, 1958.

Le séminaire de Québec: documents et biographies. Honorius Provost, éditeur. (ASQ publication, II.) Québec, 1964.

[VANCOUVER, GEORGE.] A voyage of discovery to the north Pacific Ocean, and round the world . . . . [Edited by John Vancouver.] 3 vols. London, 1798; reprinted Amsterdam and New York, [1967].

Voyages of the “Columbia” to the northwest coast, 1787–1790 and 1790–1793. Edited by Frederic William Howay. (Massachusetts Historical Society, Collections, 79.) [Boston], 1941; reprinted Amsterdam and New York, [1969].



Collections. 31 vols. 1855–1931.


The following newspapers were particularly useful in the preparation of volume IV. For detailed information on publishers, regularity of publication, and changes in title, readers are referred to Beaulieu et Hamelin, La presse québe-

coise, I, and Tremaine, Bibliography of Canadian imprints [see section iii].

La Gazette littéraire pour la villa et district de Montreal. 1778–79. Weekly. Continued by the Montreal Gazette/La Gazette de Montréal.

Halifax Gazette. 1752–66. Weekly. Continued by the Nova-Scotia Gazette and the Weekly Chronicle.

Montreal Gazette/La Gazette de Montréal. 1785–1824. Weekly. A bilingual continuation of La Gazette littéraire pour la ville et district de Montréal. From 1824 to the present time, under differing titles, the paper has appeared only in English.

Nova-Scotia Gazette and the Weekly Chronicle. Halifax. 1770–89. Weekly. Representing a merger of the Nova-Scotia Gazette (Halifax, 1766–70) and the Nova Scotia Chronicle and Weekly Advertiser (Halifax, 1769–70). A con-

tinuation of the Halifax Gazette and continued by the Royal Gazette and the Nova-Scotia Advertiser.

Quebec Gazette/La Gazette de Québec. 1764–1832. Weekly, 1764–1817; bi-weekly, 1818–32. Bilingual. The paper remained bilingual from 1832 to 1842 but the French and English editions were published separately; from 1842 to 1874, when publication ceased, only the English edition appeared.

Quebec Herald, Miscellany and Advertiser. Quebec. 1788–93. Weekly, 1788–89, 1791–93; bi-weekly, 1789–91.

Royal Gazette and the New Brunswick Advertiser. Saint John. 1785–1815. Weekly.

Royal Gazette and the Nova-Scotia Advertiser. Halifax. 1789–1800. Weekly. A continuation of the Nova-Scotia Gazette and the Weekly Chronicle.


ALLAIRE, JEAN-BAPTISTE-ARTHUR. Dictionnaire biographique du clergé canadien-français. 6 vols. Montréal, etc., 1908–34.

[I]: Les anciens. Montréal, 1910.

[II]: Les contemporains. Saint-Hyacinthe, Qué., 1908.

[III]: [Suppléments.] 6 parts in 1 vol. Montreal, etc., 1910–19.

[IV]: Le clergé canadien-français: revue mensuelle ([Montréal]), I (1919–20). Only one volume of this journal was published.

[V]: Compléments. 6 parts in 1 vol. Montréal, 1928–32.

[VI]: Untitled. Saint-Hyacinthe, 1934.

Almanach de Québec. Québec. 1780–1841. From 1792 the title varies, appearing sometimes in English, sometimes in French, and sometimes in both languages. See DCB, IX, 892.


PUBLICATIONS [see also section ii]

P.-G. Roy, Inv. colt. pièces jud. et not.

—— Inv. concessions.

—— Inv. contrats de mariage.

—— Inv. ins. Cons. souv.

—— Inv. ins. Prév. Québec.

—— Inv. jug. et délib., 1717–60.

—— Inv. ord. int.

—— Inv. procès-verbaux des grands voyers.

—— Inv. testaments.

—— Les juges de la prov. de Québec.

—— et al., Inv. greffes not.

[AUBERT] DE LA CHESNAYE-DESBOIS, [FRANÇOIS-ALEXANDRE], ET —— BADIER. Dictionnaire de la noblesse, contenant les généalogies, l’histoire & la chronologie des familles nobles de la France . . . . 2e édition. 15 vols. Paris, 1770–86. 3e edition. 19 vols. 1863–76; réimprimé Nendeln, Liechtenstein, 1969. First published by La Chesnaye-Desbois alone as Dictionnaire généalogique, héraldique, chronologique et historique contenant l’origine et l’état actuel des premières maisons de France . . . (7v., 1757–65).

BEAULIEU, ANDRÉ, ET JEAN HAMELIN. La presse québecoise des origines à nos jours. [2e édition.] 3 vols. to date [1764–1895]. Quebec, 1973– . First published as Les journaux du Québec de 1764 à 1964 (Université Laval, Institut d’histoire, Cahiers, 6, Québec, 1965).

BÉLISLE, LOUIS-ALEXANDRE. Références biographiques, Canada-Quebec. [Jean-Jacques Lefebvre, éditeur.] 5 vols. Montréal, [1978].

A bibliography of Canadiana, being items in the Public Library of Toronto, Canada, relating to the early history and development of Canada. Edited by Frances Maria Staton and Marie Tremaine. Toronto, 1934; reprinted, 1965.

A bibliography of Canadiana: first supplement . . . . Edited by Gertrude Mabel Boyle with Marjorie Colbeck. Toronto, 1959; reprinted, 1969.

Biographie universelle, ancienne et moderne . . . . [Joseph-François et Louis-Gabriel Michaud,

éditeurs.] 85 vols. [vols. 1–52, “A” to “Z”; vols. 53–55, Partie mythologique, “A” to “Z”; vols. 56–85, Supplement, “A” to “Vil”]. Paris, 1811–62. Nouvelle édition. [Louis-Gabriel Michaud et Eugène-Ernest Desplaces, éditeurs.] 45 vols. [1854–65]; réimprimé [Graz, Austria, 1966].

BOATNER, MARK MAYO. Encyclopedia of the American revolution. New York, [1966].

BURKE, JOHN. A general and heraldic dictionary of the peerage and baronetage of the United Kingdom. London, 1826. 105th edition. Edited by Peter Townend. 1970.

CARON, IVANHOË. “Inventaire de la correspondance de Mgr Jean-François Hubert, évêque de Québec et de Mgr Charles-François Bailly de Messein, son coadjuteur,” ANQ Rapport, 1930–31, 199–351.

—— “Inventaire de la correspondance de Mgr Jean-Olivier Briand, évêque de Québec,” ANQ Rapport, 1929–30, 47–136.

—— “Inventaire de la correspondance de Mgr Louis-Philippe Mariaucheau D’Esgly, évêque de Québec,” ANQ Rapport, 1930–31, 185–98.

—— “Inventaire de la correspondance de Mgr Pierre Denaut, évêque de Québec,” ANQ Rapport, 1931–32, 129–242.

CHARLAND, PAUL-VICTOR. “Notre-Dame de Québec: le nécrologe de la crypte ou les inhumations dans cette église depuis 1652,” BRH, XX (1914), 137–51, 169–81, 205–17, 237–51, 269–80, 301–13, 333–47.

CHARNOCK, JOHN. Biographia navalis; or, impartial memoirs of the lives and characters of officers of the navy of Great Britain, from the year 1660 to the present time; drawn from the most authentic sources, and disposed in a chronological arrangement. 6 vols. London, 1794–98.

COLLEDGE, JAMES JOSEPH. Ships of the Royal Navy: an historical index. 2 vols. Newton Abbot, Eng., [1969–70].

DEROME, ROBERT. Les orfèvres de Nouvelle-France: inventaire descriptif des sources. Ottawa, 1974.

DESROSIERS, LOUIS-ADÉLARD. “Correspondance de cinq vicaires généraux avec les évêques de Québec, 1761–1816,” ANQ Rapport, 1947–48, 73–133.

Dictionary of American biography. Edited by Allen Johnson et al. 20 vols., index, and 2 supplements [to 1940]. New York, 1928–58; reprinted, 22 vols. in 11 and index, [1946?–58]. 2 additional supplements to date [to 1950]. Edited by Edward James Topping et al. [1973]– . Concise DAB. [1964.]

Dictionary of national biography. Edited by Les-

lie Stephen and Sidney Lee. 63 vols., 3 supplements, and index and epitome [to 1900]. London, 1885–1903.6 additional supplements to date [to 1960]. Edited by Sidney Lee et al. 1912– . Concise DNB. 2 vols. [1952]–61. Corrections and additions to the “Dictionary of national biography”. Boston, Mass., 1966.

Dictionnaire de biographie française. Jules Balteau et al., éditeurs. 13 vols. and 3 fascicules to date [“A” to “Fouret”]. Paris, 1933– .

Dictionnaire des œuvres littéraires du Québec. Maurice Lemire et al., éditeurs. 1 vol. to date [to 1900]. Montréal, [1977]– .

A directory of the members of the Legislative Assembly of Nova Scotia, 1758–1958. Introduction by Charles Bruce Fergusson. (PANS publications, Nova Scotia series, 11.) Halifax, 1958.

Encyclopædia Britannica. Edited by Warren E. Preece et al. 23 vols. and index. Chicago and Toronto, [1966]. 15th edition. 30 vols. [1977.]

Encyclopedia Canadiana. Edited by John Everett Robbins et al. 10 vols. Ottawa, [1957–58]. [Revised edition.] Edited by Kenneth H. Pearson et al. 10 vols. Toronto, [1975].

FAUTEUX, ÆGIDIUS. Les chevaliers de Saint-Louis en Canada. Montréal, 1940.

GAUTHIER, HENRI. Sulpitiana. n.p., 1912. [2e édition.] Montréal, 1926.

GODBOUT, ARCHANGE [ALDÉRIC]. “Nos ancêtres au XVIIe siècle,” ANQ Rapport, 1951–53, 449–544; 1953–55, 445–536; 1955–57, 379–489; 1957–59, 383–440; 1959–60, 277–354; 1965, 147–81. “A” to “Brassard” included. The last instalment has notes by R.-J. Auger.

Grand Larousse encyclopédique. 10 vols. and 2 supplements to date. Paris, [1960]– .

GREAT BRITAIN, ADMIRALTY. The commissioned sea officers of the Royal Navy, 1660–1815. [Editing begun by David Bonner Smith; project continued by the Royal Naval College in cooperation with the National Maritime Museum.] 3 vols. n.p., [1954?].

GREAT BRITAIN, PUBLIC RECORD OFFICE. Calendar of Home Office papers of the reign of George III [1760–75]. Edited by Joseph Redington and Richard Arthur Roberts. 4 vols. London, 1878–99.

—— Calendar of state papers, colonial series, America and West Indies. . . . Edited by William Noel Sainsbury et al. 44 vols. to date [1574–1738]. London, 1860–19 .

—— Calendar of Treasury books and papers . . . [1729–45]. Edited by William Arthur Shaw. 5 vols. London, 1897–1908.

GREAT BRITAIN, WAR OFFICE. A list Of the general and field officers as they rank in the army.

. . . [London, 1754–1868.] The first known official army list was published in 1740 and has been reprinted as The army list of 1740 . . . with a complete index of names and of regiments (Soc. for Army Hist. Research, Special no., III, Sheffield, Eng., 1931).

Guide to the reports of the Public Archives of Canada, 1872–1972. Compiled by Françoise Caron-Houle. (PAC publication.) Ottawa, 1975.

Handbook of American Indians north of Mexico. Edited by Frederick Webb Hodge. 2 vols. Washington, 1907–10; reprinted New York, 1971. The Canadian material in this work has been revised and republished as an appendix to the tenth report of the Geographical Board of Canada, entitled Handbook of Indians of Canada (Ottawa, 1913; repr. New York, 1969). The Smithsonian Institution is currently preparing a multi-volume “Handbook of North American Indians” under the general editorship of W. C. Sturtevant; it will update and replace the original Handbook.

HOWAY, FREDERIC WILLIAM. A list of trading vessels in the maritime fur trade, 1785–1825. Edited by Richard Austin Pierce. Kingston, Ont., 1973. First published in RSC Trans., 3rd ser., XXIV (1930)–XXVIII (1934) [see section v].

HOZIER, LOUIS-PIERRE D’, et al. Armorial général de la France . . . . 7 vols. in 13. Paris, [1865–1908]; réimprimé [1970]. The first six volumes (or registres) are a reprint of the original work: L.-P. d’Hozier et A.-M. d’Hozier de Sérigny, Armorial de la France (6v. in 10, 1738–68). The d’Hoziers’ work was continued by A.-L.-M. and A.-C. d’Hozier, who published a 7th volume: Armorial général d’Hozier . . . (2 pts. in 1v., 1847–48).

Index to reports of Canadian archives from 1872 to 1908. (PAC publications, 1.) Ottawa, 1909.

KELLEY, ARTHUR READING. “Church and state papers for the years 1759 to 1786, being a compendium of documents relating to the establishment of certain churches in the province of Quebec,” ANQ Rapport, 1948–49, 293–340.

—— “The Quebec Diocesan Archives,” ANQ Rapport, 1946–47, 181–298.

LABRÈQUE, LUCILE. “Inventaire de pièces détachées de cours de justice de la Nouvelle-France (1638–1760),” ANQ Rapport, 1971, 5–50.


[LANGELIER, JEAN-CHRYSOSTOME.] Liste des terrains concédés par la couronne dans la province de Québec de 1763 au 31 décembre 1890. Québec, 1891. Published in English as

List of lands granted by the crown in the province of Quebec from 1763 to 31st December 1890 (1891) .

LEBŒUF, JOSEPH-[AIMÉ-]ARTHUR. Complément au dictionnaire généalogique Tanguay. (Société généalogique canadienne-française publications, 2, 4, 6.) 3 vols. Montréal, 1957–64.

LEFEBVRE, JEAN-JACQUES. “Engagements pour l’Ouest, 1778–1788,” ANQ Rapport, 1946–47, 303–69.

LE JEUNE, LOUIS[-MARIE]. Dictionnaire général de biographie, histoire, littérature, agriculture, commerce, industrie et des arts, sciences, mœurs, coutumes, institutions politiques et religieuses du Canada. 2 vols. Ottawa, [1931].

LÉTOURNEAU, HUBERT, ET LUCILE LABRÈQUE. “Inventaire de pièces détachées de la Prévôté de Québec,” ANQ Rapport, 1971, 55–413.

MARION, MARCEL. Dictionnaire des institutions de la France aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles. Paris, 1923; réimprimé, 1968 et 1969.

MASSICOTTE, ÉDOUARD-ZOTIQUE. “Répertoire des engagements pour l’Ouest conservés dans les Archives judiciaires de Montréal . . . [1670–1821],” ANQ Rapport, 1929–30, 195–466; 1930–31, 353–453; 1931–32, 243–365; 1932–33, 245–304; 1942–43, 261–397; 1943–44, 335–444; 1944–45, 309–401; 1945–46, 227–340.

[MÉLANÇON, ARTHUR.] Liste des missionnaires jésuites: Nouvelle-France et Louisiane, 1611–1800. Montréal, 1929.

MORICE, ADRIEN-GABRIEL. Dictionnaire historique des Canadiens et des Métis français de l’Ouest. Kamloops, C.-B., 1908; Québec, 1908. 2e édition. Québec, 1912.

NAMIER, LEWIS [BERNSTEIN], AND JOHN BROOKE. The House of Commons, 1754–1790. 3 vols. London, 1964; New York, 1964. See also Sedgwick, House of Commons.

“Les notaires au Canada sous le Régime français,” ANQ Rapport, 1921–22, 1–58. Contains biographies of nearly 200 notaries.

PARKER, DAVID WILLSON. A guide to the documents in the manuscript room at the Public Archives of Canada. (PAC publications, 10.) Ottawa, 1914.

Place-names and places of Nova Scotia. (PANS publications, Nova Scotia series, III.) Halifax, 1967; reprinted Belleville, Ont., 1976.



1: Index to reports of Canadian archives.

6: J.-E. Roy, Rapport sur les archives de France.

10: Parker, Guide to documents at PAC.

OTHER PUBLICATIONS [see also Section ii]

Guide to reports of PAC (Caron-Houle).

Inventoriesof holdings in the manuscript division [see section i].

Union list of mss(Gordon et al.; Maurice).

Union list of mss, supp. (Maurice and Chabot).



II: Directory of N.S. MLAs.

III: Place-names of N.S.

OTHER PUBLICATIONS [see section ii]

RAYBURN, ALAN. Geographical names of Prince Edward Island. Ottawa, 1973.

A register of the regiments and corps of the British army: the ancestry of the regiments and corps of the regular establishment. Edited by Arthur Swinson. London, [1972].

ROY, JOSEPH-EDMOND. Rapport sur les archives de France relatives à l’histoire du Canada. (PAC publications. 6.) Ottawa, 1911.

ROY, PIERRE-GEORGES. Les avocats de la région de Québec. Lévis, Qué., 1936.

—— Fils de Québec. 4 vols. Lévis, Qué., 1933.

—— Inventaire des concessions en fief et seigneurie, fois et hommages et aveux et dénombrements, conservés au Archives de la province de Québec. (ANQ publication.) 6 vols. Beauceville, Qué.. 1927–29.

—— Inventaire des contrats de mariage du Régime français conservés aux Archives judiciaires de Québec. (ANQ publication.) 6 vols. Québec, 1937–38.

—— Inventaire des insinuations de la Prévôté de Québec. (ANQ publication.) 3 vols. Beauceville, Qué., 1936–39.

—— Inventaire des insinuations du Conseil souverain de la Nouvelle-France. (ANQ publication.) Beauceville, Qué., 1921.

—— Inventaire des jugements et délibérations du Conseil supérieur de la Nouvelle-France de 1717 à 1760. (ANQ publication.) 7 vols. Beauceville, Qué., 1932–35.

—— Inventaire des ordonnances des intendants de la Nouvelle-France conservées aux Archives provinciales de Québec. (ANQ publication.) 4 vols. Beauceville, Qué., 1919.

—— Inventaire des procès-verbaux des grands voyers conservés aux Archives de la province de Québec. (ANQ publication.) 6 vols. Beauceville, Qué., 1923–32.

—— Inventaire des testaments, donations et inventaires du Régime français conservés aux Archives judiciaires de Québec. (ANQ publication.) 3 vols. Québec, 1941.

—— Inventaire d’une collection de pièces judiciaires, notariales, etc., etc., conservées

aux Archives .judiciaires de Québec. (ANQ publication.) 2 vols. Beauceville, Qué., 1917.

—— Les juges de la province de Québec. (ANQ publication.) Québec, 1933.

—— et al. Inventaire des greffes des notaires du Régime français. (ANQ publication.) 23 vols. to date. Québec, [1942]– .

SABINE, LORENZO. Biographical sketches of loyalists of the American revolution, with an historical essay. [2nd edition.] 2 vols. Boston, Mass., 1864. First published as The American loyalists, or biographical sketches of adherents to the British crown in the war of the revolution . . . (1847).

SEDGWICK, [RICHARD] ROMNEY. The House of Commons, 1715–1754. 2 vols. London, 1970; New York, 1970. See also Namier and Brooke, House of Commons.

The service of British regiments in Canada and North America. . . . Compiled by Charles Herbert Stewart. Ottawa, 1962. [2nd edition.] 1964.

SHIPTON, CLIFFORD KENYON. Sibley’s Harvard graduates. . . . (Massachusetts Historical Society publication.) 17 vols. to date [1690–1771]. Cambridge and Boston, Mass., 1933– . A continuation of J. S. Sibley, Biographical sketches of graduates of Harvard University, in Cambridge, Massachusetts [1642–89] (3v.. Cambridge, 1873–85), the volumes are numbered consecutively from it.

TANGUAY, CYPRIEN. Dictionnaire généalogique des families canadiennes depuis la fondation de la colonie jusqu’à nos jours. 7 vols. [Montréal], 1871–90; réimprimé New York, 1969. See also Lebœuf, Complément.

—— Répertoire général du clergé canadien par ordre chronologique depuis la fondation de la colonie jusqu’à nos jours. Québec, 1868.

TREMAINE, MARIE. A bibliography of Canadian imprints, 1751–1800. Toronto, 1952.

TRUDEL, JEAN. L’orfèvrerie en Nouvelle-France: une exposition organisée par la Galerie nationale du Canada. Ottawa, 1974.

TURCOTTE, GUSTAVE. Le Conseil législatif de Québec, 1774–1933. Beauceville, Qué., 1933.

Union list of manuscripts in Canadian repositories/Catalogue collectif des manuscrits des archives canadiennes. Edited by Robert Stanyslaw Gordon et al. (PAC publication.) Ottawa, 1968. Revised edition. Edited by E. Grace Maurice. 2 vols. 1975. Supplement/Supplément. Edited by E. Grace Maurice and Victorin Chabot. 1976.

VACHON, ANDRÉ. “Inventaire critique des notaires royaux des gouvernements de Québec, Montréal et Trois-Rivières (1663–

1764),” RHAF, IX (1955–56), 423–38, 546–61; X (1956–57), 93–103, 257–62, 381–90; XI (1957–58), 93–106, 270–76, 400–6.

WALBRAN, JOHN THOMAS. British Columbia coast names, 1592–1906, to which are added a few names in adjacent United States territory: their origin and history . . . . Ottawa, 1909; reprinted Vancouver, 1971.


dictionary of Canadian biography. 4th edition. Edited by William Angus McKay. Toronto, [1978]. First published as The dictionary of Canadian biography (1926).

WATTERS, REGINALD EYRE. A check list of Canadian literature and background materials, 1628–1950. . . . Toronto, [1959]. 2nd edition [. . .1628–1960]. Toronto and Buffalo, [1972] .


ABBOTT, MAUDE ELIZABETH [SEYMOUR]. History of medicine in the province of Quebec. Toronto, 1931; Montreal, 1931.

AHERN, MICHAEL-JOSEPH ET GEORGE. Notes pour servir à l’histoire de la médecine dans le Bas-Canada depuis la fondation de Québec jusqu’au commencement du XIXe siècle. Québec, 1923.

AKINS, THOMAS BEAMISH. History of Halifax City. Belleville, Ont., 1973. First published as N.S. Hist. Soc., Coll., VIII (1895) [see section v].

ARSENAULT, BONA. Histoire et généalogie des Acadiens. 2 vols. Quebec, [1965]. Vol. I translated in collaboration with Brian M. Upton and John G. McLaughlin as History of the Acadians (Quebec, [1966]).

AUDET, LOUIS-PHILIPPE. Le système scolaire de la province de Quebec [1635–1840]. 6 vols. Quebec, 1950–56.

BECK, JAMES MURRAY. The government of Nova Scotia. Toronto, 1957.

BELL, WINTHROP PICKARD. The “foreign Protestants” and the settlement of Nova Scotia: the history of a piece of arrested British colonial policy in the eighteenth century. Toronto, [1961].

BREBNER, JOHN BARTLET. The neutral Yankees of Nova Scotia, a marginal colony during the revolutionary years. New York, 1937; republished, introduction by William Stewart Macnu*tt, Toronto and Montreal, [1969]; reprint of 1937 edition, New York, [1970].

—— New England’s outpost: Acadia before the conquest of Canada. New York and London, 1927; reprinted Hamden, Conn., 1965, and New York, [1973].

BRUNET, MICHEL. Les Canadiens après la Conquête, 1759–1775: de la Révolution canadienne à la Révolution américaine. Montréal, [1969].


Les ursulines de Québec, depuis leur établis-

sem*nt jusqu’à nos jours. 4 vols. Quebec, 1863–66. [2e édition.] First two volumes only. 1878.

BURT, ALFRED LEROY. The old province of Quebec. Toronto and Minneapolis, Minn., 1933; republished, introduction by Hilda [Marion] Neatby, 2 vols., [Toronto, 1968]; reprint of 1933 edition, New York, [1970].

CALNEK, WILLIAM ARTHUR. History of the county of Annapolis, including old Port Royal and Acadia, with memoirs of its representatives in the provincial parliament, and biographical and genealogical sketches of its early English settlers and their families. Edited and completed by Alfred William Savary. Toronto, 1897; reprinted Belleville, Ont., 1972. See also Savary, Supplement to history of Annapolis.

CAMPBELL, ROBERT. A history of the Scotch Presbyterian Church, St. Gabriel Street, Montreal. Montreal, 1887.

Canada and its provinces: a history of the Canadian people and their institutions. Edited by Adam Shortt and Arthur George Doughty. 23 vols. Toronto, 1913–17.

Canada’s smallest province: a history of P.E.I. Edited by Francis William Pius Bolger. [Charlottetown, 1973.]

CANADIAN CENTENARY SERIES. William Lewis Morton, executive editor; Donald Grant Creighton, advisory editor.

5: Stanley, New France.

6: Neatby, Quebec.

9: Macnu*tt, Atlantic provinces.

CASGRAIN, HENRI-RAYMOND. Histoire de l’Hôtel-Dieu de Québec. Québec, 1878.

CHARLAND, THOMAS-MARIE. Histoire des Abénakis d’Odanak (1675–1937). Montréal, 1964.

CLARK, ANDREW HILL. Acadia: the geography of early Nova Scotia to 1760. Madison, Wis., 1968.

COLEMAN, EMMA LEWIS. New England captives carried to Canada between 1677 and 1760 during the French and Indian wars. 2 vols. Portland, Maine, 1925.

COOK, WARREN LAWRENCE. Flood tide of empire: Spain and the Pacific northwest, 1543–1819. New Haven, Conn., and London, 1973.

CROWLEY, TERENCE ALLAN. “Government and interests: French colonial administration at Louisbourg, 1713–1758.” Unpublished PHD thesis, Duke University, Durham, N.C., 1975.

D’ALLAIRE, MICHELINE. L’Hôpital-général de Québec, 1692–1764. Montréal, [1971].

DAVIDSON, GORDON CHARLES. The North West Company. Berkeley, Calif., 1918; reprinted New York, [1967].

ECCLES, WILLIAM JOHN. The Canadian frontier, 1534–1760. New York and Toronto, [1969].

—— France in America. New York, [1972].

FAUTEUX, ÆGIDIUS. The introduction of printing into Canada: a brief history. Montreal, 1930; republished, 6 parts in 1 vol., 1957. Appeared in French as L’introduction de l’imprimerie au Canada: une brève histoire (6 pts. in 1v., Montréal, 1957).


[L’Hôpital Général de Montréal:] L’Hôpital Général des sœurs de la Charité (sœurs grises) depuis sa fondation jusqu’à nos jours. 3 vols. to date [1692–1877] . Montréal, [1916]– .

FAUTEUX, JOSEPH-NOËL. Essai sur l’industrie au Canada sous le Régime français. 2 vols. Québec, 1927.

FRÉGAULT, GUY. Le XVIIIesiècle canadien: études. Montréal, 1968; réimprimé, 1970.

—— François Bigot, administrateur français. (Institut d’histoire de l’Amérique française, Études.) 2 vols. [Montréal], 1948.

—— Le grand marquis: Pierre de Rigaud de Vaudreuil et la Louisiane. (Institut d’histoire de l’Amérique française, Études.) Montréal et Paris, 1952. 2e édition. [1962.]

—— La guerre de la Conquête. Montréal et Paris, [1955]. Reprinted as vol. IX of Histoire de la Nouvelle-France, Marcel Trudel, édit. (3v. [I, II, IX], Montréal et Paris, [1963–66]). Translated by Margaret M. Cameron as Canada: the war of the conquest (Toronto, 1969).

GALARNEAU, CLAUDE. La France devant l’opinion canadienne (1760–1815). (Université Laval, Institut d’histoire, Cahiers, 16.) Québec et Paris, 1970.

GARNEAU, FRANÇOIS-XAVIER. Histoire du Canada depuis sa découverte jusqu’à nos jours. 4 vols. Québec, 1845–52. 3e édition. 3 vols. 1859. 5e édition. Hector Garneau, éditeur.

2 vols. Paris, 1913–20. 8e édition. Hector Garneau, éditeur. 9 vols. Montréal, [1944–46]. Third edition translated and edited by Andrew Bell as History of Canada, from the time of its discovery till the union year (1840–1) (3v., Montreal, 1860; 3rd edition, 1866).

GAUMOND, MICHEL. Les forges de Saint-Maurice. (Société historique de Québec, Textes, 2.) Québec, 1968.

GOSSELIN, AMÉDÉE[-EDMOND]. L’instruction au Canada sous le Régime français (1635–1760). Québec, 1911.

GOSSELIN, AUGUSTE[-HONORÉ]. L’Eglise du Canada après la Conquête [1760–89]. 2 vols. Québec, 1916–17.

—— L’Église du Canada depuis Monseigneur de Laval jusqu’à la Conquête. 3 vols. Québec, 1911–14.

GOWANS, ALAN [WILBERT]. Church architecture in New France. Toronto, 1955.

GRAYMONT, BARBARA. The Iroquois in the American revolution. Syracuse, N.Y., 1972.

GROULX, LIONEL. Histoire du Canada français depuis la découverte. 4 vols. [Montréal], 1950–52. 4e édition. 2 vols. Montréal et Paris, 1960; réimprimé, 1962.

GUNDY, HENRY PEARSON. Early printers and printing in the Canadas. Toronto, 1957. [2nd edition.] 1964.

HAMELIN, JEAN. Économie et société en Nouvelle-France. (Université Laval, Institut d’histoire, Cahiers, 3.) [Québec, 1960]; réimprimé, [1970].

HARRIS, RICHARD COLEBROOK. The seigneurial system in early Canada: a Geographical study. Madison, Wis., and Quebec, 1966.

HARVEY, DANIEL COBB. The French régime in Prince Edward Island. New Haven, Conn., and London, 1926.

HEAGERTY, JOHN JOSEPH. Four centuries of medical history in Canada and a sketch of the medical history of Newfoundland. 2 vols. Toronto, 1928.

HILLER, JAMES K. “The foundation and the early years of the Moravian mission in Labrador, 1752–1805.” Unpublished MA thesis, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St John’s, [1968] .

L’Hôpital Général de Montréal. See A. Fauteux et C. Drouin

HUNTER, WILLIAM ALBERT. Forts on the Pennsylvania frontier, 1753–1758. Harrisburg, Pa. , 1960.

INNIS, HAROLD ADAMS. The fur trade in Canada: an introduction to Canadian economic history. New Haven, Conn., and London, 1930. Revised edition. [Edited by Mary

Quayle Innis, Samuel Delbert Clark, and William Thomas Easterbrook.] Toronto, 1956. [Abridged edition.] Based on revised edition, foreword by Robin William Winks. [1962.] Revised edition (reprint of 1956 edition with revised foreword from 1962 edition). [1970.]



Frégault, François Bigot.

—— Le grand marquis.


M. Trudel, L’Église canadienne.

JOUVE, ODORIC-MARIE. Les franciscains et le Canada: aux Trois-Rivières. Paris, 1934.

KENNETT, LEE. The French armies in the Seven Years’ War: a study in military organization and administration. Durham, N.C., 1967.

LACOUR-GAYET, GEORGES. La marine militaire de la France sous le règne de Louis XV. Paris, 1902. 2e édition. 1910.

—— La marine militaire de la France sous le règne de Louis XVI. Paris, 1905.

LA MORANDIÈRE, CHARLES DE. Histoire de la pêche française de la morue dans l’Amérique septentrionale . . . . 3 vols. Paris, 1962–66.

I, II: (Des origines à 1789) .

III: (De la Révolution à nos jours).

LANCTOT, GUSTAVE. Le Canada et la Revolution américaine. Montréal, 1965. Translated by Margaret M. Cameron as Canada & the American revolution, 1774–1783 (Toronto and Vancouver, 1967).

—— Histoire du Canada. 3 vols. Montréal, 1959–64 .

[I]: Des origines au Régime royal.

[II]: Du Régime royal au traité d’Utrecht, 1663–1713.

[III]: Du traité d’Utrecht au traité de Paris, 1713–1763.

Translated by Josephine Hambleton and Margaret M. Cameron as A history of Canada (3v., Toronto and Vancouver, 1963–65).

LANGDON, JOHN EMERSON. Canadian silversmiths, 1700–1900. Toronto, 1966.

LEMIEUX, LUCIEN. L’établissem*nt de la première province ecclésiastique au Canada, 1783–1844. Montréal et Paris, [1968].

[LEMIRE-MARSOLAIS, DARIE-AURÉLIE, DITE SAINTE-HENRIETTE, ET] THÉRÈSE LAMBERT, DITE SAINTE-MARIE-MÉDIATRICE. Histoire de la Congregation de Notre-Dame de Montréal. 11 vols. in 13 and an index to date. Montréal, 1941– . Before her death in 1917 Sister Sainte-Henriette had completed nine volumes of her history as well as an index; only two volumes were published, in 1910. In 1941 her

complete work was published and the first two volumes reissued. The index for the first nine volumes, prepared by Sister Sainte-Henriette, was published in 1969.

McLENNAN, JOHN STEWART. Louisbourg from its foundation to its fall, 1713–1758. London, 1918; reprinted without appendices, Sydney, N.S., 1957.

Macnu*tT, WILLIAM STEWART. The Atlantic provinces: the emergence of colonial society, 1712–1857. (Canadian centenary series, 9.) [Toronto, 1965.]

—— New Brunswick, a history: 1784–1867. Toronto, 1963.

MATHIEU, JACQUES. La construction navale royale à Québec, 1739–1759. (Société historique de Québec, Cahiers d’histoire, 23.) Québec, 1971.

[MONDOUX, MARIA.] L’Hôtel-Dieu, premier hôpital de Montreal . . . 1642–1763. Montreal, 1942.

Monseigneur de Saint-Vallier. See O’Reilly

MORISSET, GÉRARD. Coup d’œil sur les arts en Nouvelle-France. Québec, 1941; réimprimé, 1942.

MORTON, ARTHUR SILVER. A history of the Canadian west to 1870–71, being a history of Rupert’s Land (the Hudson’s Bay Company’s territory) and of the North-West Territory (including the Pacific slope). London and Toronto, [1939]. 2nd edition. Edited by Lewis Gwynne Thomas. Toronto [and Buffalo, N.Y., 1973].

MURDOCH, BEAMISH. A history of Nova-Scotia, or Acadie. 3 vols. Halifax, 1865–67.

NEATBY, HILDA MARION. The administration of justice under the Quebec Act. London and Minneapolis, Minn., [1937].

—— Quebec: the revolutionary age, 1760–1791. (Canadian centenary series, 6.) [Toronto, 1966.]

[O’REILLY, HELENA, DITE SAINT-FÉLIX.] Monseigneur de Saint-Vallier et l’Hôpital Général de Québec: histoire du monastère de Notre-Dame des Anges . . . . Québec, 1882.

OUELLET, FERNAND. Histoire économique et sociale du Québec, 1760–1850: structures et conjoncture. Montréal et Paris, [1966].

PARGELLIS, STANLEY McCRORY. Lord Loudoun in North America. New Haven, Conn., and London, 1933; reprinted [Hamden, Conn.], 1968.

PECKHAM, HOWARD HENRY. Pontiac and the Indian uprising. Princeton, N.J., 1947; reprinted Chicago, [1961].

PORTER, WHITWORTH, AND CHARLES MOORE WATSON. History of the corps of Royal En-

gineers. 3 vols. London and New York, 1889–1915. Reprinted as first three vols. of Whitworth Porter et al., History of the corps of Royal Engineers (9v., Chatham, Eng., 1951–58).

PROWSE, DANIEL WOODLEY. A history of Newfoundland from the English, colonial, and foreign records. London and New York, 1895. 2nd edition. London, 1896. 3rd edition. Edited by James Raymond Thorns and Frank Burnham Gill. St John’s, 1971. Reprint of 1895 edition. Belleville, Ont., 1972.

RAWLYK, GEORGE ALEXANDER. Yankees at Louisbourg. Orono, Maine, 1967.

RAYMOND, WILLIAM ODBER. The River St. John, its physical features, legends and history from 1604 to 1784. Saint John, N.B., 1910. [2nd edition.] Edited by John Clarence Webster. Sackville, N.B., 1943; reprinted, 1950.

RICH, EDWIN ERNEST. The history of the Hudson’s Bay Company, 1670–1870. (HBRS publications, XXI, XXII.)2 vols. London, 1958–59. Another edition. 3 vols. Toronto, 1960. A copy of this work available at PAC contains notes and bibliographical material omitted from the printed version.

ROCHEMONTEIX, CAMILLE DE. Les jésuites et la Nouvelle-France au XVIIIe siècle . . . . 2 vols. Paris, 1906.

ROY, JOSEPH-EDMOND. Histoire du notariat au Canada depuis la fondation de la colonie jusqu’à nos jours. 4 vols. Lévis, Qué., 1899–1902.

ROY, PIERRE-GEORGES. Bigot et sa bande et l’affaire du Canada. Lévis, Qué., 1950.

SAVARY, ALFRED WILLIAM. Supplement to the history of the county of Annapolis. . . . Toronto, 1913; reprinted Belleville, Ont., 1973. See also Calnek, History of Annapolis (Savary).

SHY, JOHN [WILLARD]. Toward Lexington: the role of the British army in the coming of the American revolution. Princeton, N.J., 1965.



23: Mathieu, La construction navale.


2: Gaumond, Les forges de Saint-Maurice.



3: Tremblay et Angers, L’hist. du Saguenay.

21: Tremblay, Hist. du Saguenay.

STACEY, CHARLES PERRY. Quebec, 1759: the siege and the battle. Toronto, 1959.


France: the last phase, 1744–1760. (Canadian centenary series, 5.) [Toronto, 1968.]

—— WITH HAROLD McGILL JACKSON. Canada’s soldiers, 1604–1954: the military history of an unmilitary people. Toronto, 1954. [Revised edition.] 1960. 3rd edition. [1974.]

SULTE, BENJAMIN. Histoire des Canadiens-français, 1608–1880. . . . 8 vols. Montréal, 1882–84.

—— Mélanges historiques. . . . Gérard Malchelosse, éditeur. 21 vols. Montréal, 1918–34. This series is a mixture of volumes of articles and monographs.

TESSIER, ALBERT. Les forges Saint-Maurice, 1729–1883. Trois-Rivières, 1952; réimprimé, [Montréal, 1974].

TOUSIGNANT, PIERRE. “La genèse et l’avènement de la constitution de 1791.” Thèse de PHD, université de Montréal, 1971.

TRAQUAIR, RAMSAY. The old silver of Quebec. Toronto, 1940.

TREMBLAY, VICTOR. Histoire du Saguenay depuis les origines jusqu’à 1870. Nouvelle édition. (Société historique du Saguenay publications, 21.) [Chicoutimi, Qué.], 1968. First published as [Victor Tremblay et Lorenzo Angers], L’histoire du Saguenay depuis l’origine jusqu’à 1870 (Société historique du Saguenay publications, 3, Chicoutimi, Que., 1938).

TRUDEL, MARCEL. L’Église canadienne sous le Régime militaire, 1759–1764. (Institut d’histoire de l’Amérique française publication.) 2 vols. [Montréal et] Québec, 1956–57.

—— L’esclavage au Canada français: histoire et conditions de l’esclavage. Québec, 1960.

—— Le Régime militaire dans le gouvernement des Trois-Rivières, 1760–1764. Trois-Rivières, 1952.



3: Hamelin, Économie et société.

6: Beaulieu et Hamelin, Les journaux du Québec [see section iii].

16: Galarneau, La France devant l’opinion canadienne.

Les ursulines de Québec. See Burke

VACHON, ANDRÉ. Histoire du notariat canadien, 1621–1960. Québec, 1962.

WADE, MASON. The French Canadians, 1760–1945. Toronto, 1955; reprinted, 1956. Revised edition [. . . 1760–1967]. 2 vols. Toronto, 1968. A French edition covering the years 1760–1963 and translated by Adrien Venne and Francis Dufau-Labeyrie has been published as Les Canadiens français de 1760 à nos jours (2v., [Ottawa, 1963]).


Acadiensis: Journal of the History of the Atlantic Region/Revue de l’histoire de la région atlantique. Fredericton. Published by the Department of History of the University of New Brunswick. I (1971–72)– .

Beaver: a Magazine of the North. Winnipeg. Published by the HBC. I (1920–21)– . Index: I (1920–21)-outfit 284 (June 1952–March 1954).

Le Bulletin des recherches historiques. Published usually in Lévis, Qué. Originally the organ of the Société des etudes historiques, it became in March 1923 the journal of the Archives de la province de Quebec (now the ANQ). I (1895)–LXX (1968). Index:I (1895)–XXXI (1925) (4v.. Beauceville, Qué., 1925–26). For subsequent years there is a manuscript index at the ANQ-Q.

Les Cahiers des Dix. Montréal et Québec. Published by “Les Dix.” I (1936)– .

CANADIAN CATHOLIC HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION/SOCIÉTE CANADIENNE D’HISTOIRE DE L’ÉGLISE CATHOLIQUE, Ottawa. Publishes simultaneously a Report in English and a Rapport in French, of which the contents are entirely different. 1 (1933–34)– . Index: 1 (1933–34)–25 (1958). Title varies: Study Sessions/Sessions d’étude from 1966.

CANADIAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION/SOCIETÉ HISTORIQUE DU CANADA, Ottawa. Annual Report. 1922– . Index: 1922–51; 1952–68. Title varies: Historical Papers/Communications historiques from 1966.

Canadian Historical Review. Toronto. I (1920)– . Index: I (1920)–X (1929); XI (1930–XX (1939); XXI (1940)–XXX (1949); XXXI (1950)–LI (1970). Université Laval has also published an index: Canadian Historical Review, 1950–1964: index des articles et des comptes rendus de volumes, René Hardy, comp. (Quebec, 1969). A continuation of the Review of’ Historical Publications relating to Canada:I (1895–96)–XXII (1917–18); Index:I (1895–96)–X (1905); XI (1906)–XX (1915).

Dalhousie Review. Halifax. Published by Dalhousie University. I (1921–22)– .

GANONG, WILLIAM FRANCIS. “A monograph of historic sites in the province of New Brunswick,” RSC Trans., 2nd ser., V (1899), sect. ii, 213–357.

LELAND, MARINE. “François-Joseph Cugnet, 1720–1789,” La Revue de l’université Laval (Québec), XVI (1961–62), 3–13, 129–39,

205–14, 411–20, 618–29, 929–36; XVII

(1962–63), 64–73, 145–55, 445–56, 820–41; XVIII (1963–64), 337–60, 717–33; XIX (1964–65), 144–57, 254–65, 658–71; XX (1965–66), 143–50, 267–74, 359–65, 832–44, 923–33 ; XXI (1966). 178–91, 378–96.

L’HEUREUX, JACQUES. “L’organisation judiciaire au Quebec de 1764 à 1774,” Revue générale de droit (Ottawa), 1 (1970), 266–331.

New England Historical and Genealogical Register. Published usually in Boston, Mass., by the New England Historic Genealogical Society. 1 (1847)– . Index: I (1847)–L (1896) (5v., Boston, 1907–11; repr., 4v., Baltimore, Md., 1972).

NOVA SCOTIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY, Halifax. Collections. I (1878)– . Index: I (1878)–XXXII (1959).

Ontario History. Toronto. Published by the Ontario Historical Society. I (1899)– . An index to volumes I (1899) to LXIV (1972) appears in Index to the publications of the Ontario Historical Society, 1899–1972 (1974). Title varies: Papers and Records to 1946.

Revue d’histoire de l’Amérique française. Montréal. Published by the Institut d’histoire de l’Amérique française. I (1947–48)– . Index: 1 (1947–48)–X (1956–57); XI (1957–58)–X: (1966–67); XXI (1967–68)–XXX (1976–77).

ROYAL SOCIETY OF CANADA/SOCIÉTÉ ROYALE DU CANADA, Ottawa. Proceedings and Transactions/Mémoires et comptes rendus. 1st series: I (1882–83)–XII (1894). 2nd series: I (1895)–XII (1906). 3rd series: I (1907)–LVI (1962). 4th series: I (1963)– . General index: 1st series–2nd series; Subject index: 3rd series, I (1907)–XXXI (1937); Author index: 3rd series, I (1907)–XXXV (1941).

Social History, a Canadian Review/Histoire sociale, revue canadienne. Ottawa. Published under the direction of an interdisciplinary committee from various Canadian universities. I (April 1968)– .

SOCIÉTÉ GÉNÉALOGIQUE CANADIENNE-FRANÇAISE, Montréal. Mémoires. I (1944–45)– . The society’s numbered publications include 2, 4, 6: Lebœuf, Complément [see section iii].

TÊTU,HENRI. “Le chapitre de la cathédrale de Québec et ses délégués en France: lettres des chanoines Pierre Hazeur de L’Orme et Jean-Marie de la Corne, 1723–1773,” BRH, XIII (1907), 225–43, 257–83, 289–308, 321–38, 353–61; XIV (1908), 3–22, 33–40, 65–79,

97–109, 129–46, 161–75, 193–208, 225–39, 257–70, 289–98, 321–37, 353–64; XV (1909), 3–16, 33–48, 65–79, 97–111, 129–42, 161–76, 193–211, 225–41, 257–74, 289–301, 321–28,

353–60; XVI (1910), 3–10, 33–44, 65–75, 97–109, 129–41, 161–75, 193–206, 225–40, 257–74, 289–302, 321–30, 353–64.

General Bibliography – Volume IV – Dictionary of Canadian Biography (2024)
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